Arbitration Law in UK Law
Pioneer Shipping Ltd v B.T.P. Tioxide Ltd (Nema)
Sulamérica Cia Nacional de Seguros SA and Others v Enesa Engelharia SA and Others
Channel Tunnel Group Ltd and Another v Balfour Beatty Construction Ltd and Others
It is by now firmly established that more than one national system of law may bear upon an international arbitration. Thus, there is the proper law which regulates the substantive rights and duties of the parties to the contract from which the dispute has arisen. Exceptionally, this may differ from the national law governing the interpretation of the agreement to submit the dispute to arbitration.
Carillion Construction Ltd v Devonport Royal Dockyard Ltd
It is only too easy in a complex case for a party who is dissatisfied with the decision of an adjudicator to comb through the adjudicator's reasons and identify points upon which to present a challenge under the labels "excess of jurisdiction" or "breach of natural justice". The task of the adjudicator is to find an interim solution which meets the needs of the case. The need to have the "right" answer has been subordinated to the need to have an answer quickly.
To seek to challenge the adjudicator's decision on the ground that he has exceeded his jurisdiction or breached the rules of natural justice (save in the plainest cases) is likely to lead to a substantial waste of time and expense—as, we suspect, the costs incurred in the present case will demonstrate only too clearly.
Aggeliki Charis Compania Maritima S.A. v Pagnan S.p.A. (The Angelic Grace)
Secretary of State for the Environment v Euston Centre Investments Ltd
There are wider interests at stake, notably the proper functioning of our arbitration system. Since nobody can prevent the losing party in an arbitration from applying for leave to appeal even in the most unmeritorious cases, it is of supreme importance to the proper working of our arbitration system that there must be an effective procedure to ensure that applications for leave are promptly made.
Public‐Private Arbitration and the Public Interest under English Law
Together with the increase in the number of public‐private contracts, recent years have seen a marked proliferation in public‐private arbitrations. This article explores the public interest implica...
The Court of Arbitration for Sport and EU Law
At the time when the Bosnian case was decided, nearly twenty years ago, few could have predicted that one of its main institutional legacies would be the transformation of the Court of Arbitration ...
- Investment Treaty Arbitration and Public Law by Gus Van Harten
- Book Review: Transnational Legality: Stateless Law and International Arbitration
Governing Law of Arbitration Agreements: Welcome Clarity?
The English Court of Appeal has provided some helpful guidance as to the relevant test for determining the law applicable to arbitration agreements (as distinct from (i) the governing law of the re...
Fire At Russian Power Plant Sparks UK Supreme Court Decision On Arbitration Agreement Law
The UK Supreme Court has recently set out the principles to determine the proper law of an arbitration agreement. While it remains the case that parties are free to choose the systems of law that w...
Governing law of an arbitration agreement: Supreme Court Enka v Chubb
In Enka Insaat ve Sanayi A.S. v OOO Insurance Company Chubb [2020] UKSC 38, the Supreme Court unanimously held that, if the parties have chosen a governing law for a contract containing an arbitrat...
What law governs your arbitration clause? You decide.
It’s midnight and you’re in the final stages of negotiation in a complex international transaction. It’s probably a safe bet that the one thing that is not keeping you awake is a concern over what ...
I have an Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) settlement (Form COT3) but the respondent has not paid. How do I enforce it?
County Court forms including the N1 money claim form.
Includes the refund form for claimants.... ... In most cases we will send a copy of your claim form and the respondent’s response ... form to Acas, (the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) an independent, ... impartial organisation. An Acas conciliator will contact you to explore whether it ... may be possible to resolve the ... ...
guidance for claimants (T424)
Includes the refund form for claimants.... ... In most cases we will send a copy of your claim form and the respondent’s response ... form to Acas, (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) an independent, impartial ... organisation. An Acas conciliator will contact you and try to help you to reach a ... settlement without the ... ...
Includes the refund form for claimants.... ... early conciliation ... Acas’s role ... Where we send a copy of your response to Acas, the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration ... Service, an Acas conciliator will contact you, even if early conciliation has been tried and ... was unsuccessful, to explore whether or not it ... ...