Electoral System in UK Law
R v Rowe, ex parte Mainwaring
If a person is found guilty of a corrupt practice under section 115 he is liable to be prosecuted on indictment. Furthermore he may be the subject of severe electoral disqualifications under section 160(4). Mr. Tolson submits that the civil standard of proof should obtain before an electoral court otherwise elections which should be set aside may stand on the grounds that a corrupt practice had not been proved to the necessary degree of certainty.
Gough v Local Sunday Newspapers (North) Ltd and Another (No. 2); Field v Local Sunday Newspapers (North) Ltd (No.2)
Mr Gough was directly involved in the decision to make the application under rule 47. Mr Field told him that he agreed to the application being made if it could properly be done. The question which Mr Gough had to decide was whether, in the circumstances which had arisen, it was permissible to apply under rule 47. It was incumbent upon Mr Gough, who had been asked to advise about the feasibility of using rule 47, to address all these questions.
Ahmed v Kennedy; Ullah v Pagel
Flexibility and discretion are all very well but there is merit too in certainty, not least in the field of electoral challenge. It is undesirable to have someone serving in a public office with doubts surrounding the legitimacy of his election.
R (Begum (Sultana)) v Tower Hamlets London LBC
Generally speaking, public bodies should be kept to their promises. A public body should not be permitted to resile from a legitimate expectation which it has created in the minds of those members of the public to whom the undertaking which gave rise to the expectation was addressed, or who were affected by the practice which confirmed that expectation, and from which it would be an abuse of the process to resile.
R (The Good Law Project) v Electoral Commission
An example discussed in oral argument which provides a good means of testing these conclusions is a case involving spending for referendum purposes on travel and accommodation. Suppose that during a referendum campaign volunteers affiliated with a particular campaign organisation (which is a permitted participant) travel from London to Birmingham by rail to attend a public meeting and stay in a hotel overnight.
R (on the application of James Alistair Preston) v The Lord President of the Council
That question obviously does not have to be answered in terms of statistical evidence or specific evidence of actual cases of deterrence. In practice the claimant's assertion about the potential effect of the 15 year rule on free movement is very difficult to demonstrate by any means, because it does not square with ordinary human experience.
Nigel Waterson v (1) Stephen Lloyd MP (2) Rebecca Carr
On the contrary, I found difficulty in following how a reasonable reader in the circumstances specified in Jeynes could be expected to understand the "scandal" in question to be confined to the mere fact that Mr Waterson made a claim in respect of a mortgage and decoration. There is no attempt by the writers to distinguish what can only be factual statements (such as the amounts of the claims, and the location of the house in Kent) from matters of comment or opinion.
The Transfer of Functions (Elections, Referendums, Third Sector and Information) Order 2016
... ... (n) the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (32) ... section 14 of the Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Act 2011 (35) ... ...
European Union Referendum Act 2015
... ... to vote as electors at a local government election in any electoral area in Great Britain, ... means the Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Act 2011; ... ...
Elections Act 2022
... ... , including provision designed to strengthen the integrity of the electoral process and provision about the use of the simple majority system in ... ...
Scotland Act 2016
... ... financing the Electoral Commission, ... the system by which members of the Parliament are returned, ... ...
The Electoral System
This article provides an overview of South Africa's electoral arrangements. It consists of three sections. The first sketches the historical background of the present system and some of the importa...
Form of government, electoral system, and party system fragmentation: A global comparison
This study aims to determine the characteristics of party systems within the context of electoral systems, forms of government, and continents. There is no study in the literature that quantitative...
The right of minorities to political participation under the Ethiopian electoral system
Broad representation of different ethnic groups has implications in stability and the quality of democracy. The right to political participation is largely realized through the electoral system of ...
Democratic Consolidation and Electoral System Change in Croatia: What Is Wrong with the Proportional Representation?
This article focuses on the politics of electoral system change and its effects on the process of democratic consolidation in Croatia. After the first decade of democratisation when electoral rules...
Election Special 4: First past the post now - but what will future UK elections look like?
... ... 's General Election to consider what's on the table in terms of electoral reform ... At the 2005 General Election the Labour Party formed a ... a telling demonstration of the inability of the first past the post system to allocate seats in proportion to the percentage of votes cast ... The ... ...
Prisioners' Voting Rights - 6 Months Deadline
... ... recognised that there are a number of possible ways in which an electoral system can be organised and that the Court's "role in this area is a ... ...
Legal Challenge To Government's Failure To Investigate Russian Threat To UK Democratic Processes
... ... United Kingdom's electoral processes from at least the time of ... the EU referendum in 2016 ... "The Government must do its best to protect our electoral ... system and it can only begin to do that effectively if it first ... investigates ... ...
Smith Commission sets scope of Scottish devolution
The Smith Commission (the “Commission“) has published its report on the further devolution of powers to the Scottish Parliament. Following the independence referendum in September 2014, each of the...... ... Parliament legislation on Scottish Parliament franchise, electoral system and membership Scottish Ministers must be fully involved in ... ...