Insolvency in UK Law
- Insolvency
- Insolvency Litigation
The Recasting of Insolvency Law
Over the last decade corporate insolvency laws and processes have changed in two important ways. There has been a philosophical shift away from ex post responses to corporate crises and towards inf...
Asset Location in Corporate Insolvency
This paper considers the methods open to a liquidator to discover and recover assets. In particular, it focuses on the powers conferred on the liquidator in the 1986 insolvency legislation and thei...
Are you an Unwitting Victim of Insolvency?
Victims of insolvency are not just those provided for in the legislation. This paper explores just who are the victims of insolvency and what their statutory remedies are.
Insolvency—It's all about the Money
The most desirable outcome from corporate insolvency is one that achieves the greatest return for all creditors including revenue authorities; minimises the cost of administering the system so that...
Insolvency judges meet strategic behaviour: A comparative empirical study
This article reports the results of a comparative empirical legal study that analyzed (1) strategic behaviour by actors in insolvencies that is salient to insolvency judges and (2) how insolvency j...
- Bankruptcy and insolvency
The determinants of bank insolvency risk: evidence from Finland
Purpose: This paper aims to contribute to the literature on the determinants of bank-specific insolvency risk. Design/methodology/approach: By applying a dynamic two-step System GMM estimator on a...
Something Old, Something New: Recasting the European Insolvency Regulation
This paper critically evaluates the recasting of the European Insolvency Regulation ‐ Regulation (EU) 2015/848 ‐ in the context of the EU Europe 2020 growth strategy. According to the Council of Mi...
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