Insurance and Reinsurance in UK Law
Wickman Machine Tool Sales Ltd v L. Schuler A.G.
Hunt v Severs
He should recover from the tortfeasor no more and no less than he has lost. The two well-established categories of receipt which are to be ignored in assessing damages are the fruits of insurance which the plaintiff himself has provided against the contingency causing his injuries (which may or may not lead to a claim by the insurer as subrogated to the rights of the plaintiff) and the fruits of the benevolence of third parties motivated by sympathy for the plaintiff's misfortune.
Post Office v Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Ltd
Under the section it is clear to me that the injured person cannot sue the Insurance Company except in such circumstances as the insured himself could have sued the Insurance Company. The insured could only have sued for an indemnity when his liability to the third person was established and the amount of the loss ascertained. In some circumstances the insured might sue earlier for a declaration, e.g. if the insured company were repudiating the policy for some reason.
In these circumstances I think the right to sue for these moneys does not arise until the liability is established and the amount ascertained. If there is an unascertained claim for damages in tort, it cannot be proved in the bankruptcy: nor in the liquidation of the Company. The Insurance Company can fight that action in the name of the wrongdoer. In that way liability can be established and the loss ascertained. Then the injured person can go against the Insurance Company.
Stated in that way, I should have thought the question admits of only one answer. Obviously Potters could not have claimed that money from their insurers. It is quiteunheard of in practice for any assured to sue his insurers in a money claim when the actual loss against which he wishes to be indemnified has not been ascertained, I have never heard of such an action and there is nothing in law that makes such an action possible.
Equitable Life Assurance Society v Hyman
Such a term may be imputed to parties: it is not critically dependent on proof of an actual intention of the parties. This principle is sparingly and cautiously used and may never be employed to imply a term in conflict with the express terms of the text. The legal test for the implication of such a term is a standard of strict necessity.
Samuel (P.) & Company Ltd v Dumas
It may well be that, when two persons are jointly insured and their interests are inseparably connected so that a loss or gain necessarily affects them both, the misconduct of one is sufficient to contaminate the whole insurance ( Phillips on Marine Insurance, vol.
- The Solvency 2 Regulations 2015
- The Insurance and Reinsurance Undertakings (Overseas Insurance Regime, Transitional Provisions, etc.) Regulations 2024
- The Insurance and Reinsurance Undertakings (Prudential Requirements) (Risk Margin) Regulations 2023
- The Insurance and Reinsurance Undertakings (Prudential Requirements) Regulations 2023
The Construction of Terms of Facultative Reinsurance Contracts: is Wasa v Lexington the Exception or the Rule?
Do reinsurers insure the liability faced by the reinsured under its original insurance contract? Where the reinsurance and direct insurance policies are written in identical terms, is it enough for...... ... v Lex ingto n the Exception or the Rule? zlem Gˇrses n Do reinsurers insure the liability faced by the reinsured under its original insurance contract? Where the reinsurance and direct insurance policies are written in identical terms, is it enough for the reinsured to proveits l iability ... ...
Managing Risk as a Duality of Harm and Benefit: A Study of Organizational Risk Objects in the Global Insurance Industry
This study examines how organizations construct and manage risk objects as a duality of harm–benefit within their normal operations. It moves beyond the existing focus on accidents, disasters and c...... ... theynavigate the tension of retaining risk in their insurance portfolio to increasethe benefit ofmaking profit and transferring risk to reinsurance to reduce the harm of paying claims.We showthat organizations’ constructions of risk are underpinned by everydayrisk man-agement practices of ... ...
... ... Jones has worked as an insurance tax specialist for a number of years. He specialises in corporate tax for ... international businesses in the broking, general insurance, reinsurance and captive insurance market ... ...
Risk, insurance and small farm credit in developing countries: A policy proposal
Lending to small farmers is often too risky for commercial banks; consequently extremely high interest rates have to be paid. Agricultural development banks go some way towards solving the problem....... ... The practical problems of implementation are considered and deemed surmountable by reinsurance and graduated premiums. THE PROBLEM It is a truth universally acknowledged that credit markets in underdeveloped rural areas ... ...
- Insurance & Reinsurance 2018
Insurance and Reinsurance Update
This is our pick of the key recent legal and regulatory issues affecting the insurance and reinsurance sector. Non Party PI Insurers Liable for Costs - In the January 2019 case of Various Cl...
- Insurance/Reinsurance: Settlement Agreements
UK’s Senior Managers and Certification Regime Extended to Insurance, Reinsurance Sectors
The UK’s Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SMCR) is extended to the insurance and reinsurance sectors as of today, December 10. A package of regulatory rules and standards, SMCR is designed...
Order for distribution of a Lloyd's Estate
Chancery forms, including claim forms and applications for orders.... ... any retention or further provision in respect of any contract of insurance or reinsurance underwritten by the Deceased in the course of his business ... ...
Commercial Court forms including claims and application notices.... ... agreements ... insurance and/or reinsurance ... oil and gas and other natural resources ... ...