Mergers in UK Law
- De-mergers
Cross-Border Mergers: A Matter of Interpretation
The Companies Court has considered whether it is necessary for shares or other securities to be transferred between group companies as consideration for cross-border mergers in the recent landmark ...
UK Introduces New Thresholds for National Security Mergers
On March 15, 2018, the UK Government published new merger thresholds to allow greater intervention in transactions raising national security concerns. The new thresholds will apply to firms that de...
Mergers and Takeovers: UK Strengthens National Security Scrutiny
The UK government has widened the circumstances in which it may block mergers and takeovers of businesses in the military, dual-use, computing hardware and quantum technology sectors. Further stren...
- Mergers & Acquisitions Comparative Guide
- UK Mergers, Military And Technology
- Mergers And Collaborative Working
- Mergers & Acquisitions: Corporate Immigration Compliance
- Mergers: The Market Share
- A Guide To School Mergers
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