Military Law in UK Law
United Kingdom Military Law: Autonomy, Civilianisation, Juridification
This paper argues that military law has undergone a long‐term process of change. Previously an autonomous legal system with little civilian input at the administrative, judicial and policy‐making l...
- Some Aspects of The Operation of International and Military Law in Burma, 1941–1945
The Use of Lethal Force by Military Forces on Law Enforcement Operations — is There a ‘Lawful Authority’?
Now a person, whether a magistrate, or a peace-officer, who has the duty of suppressing a riot, is placed in a very difficult situation, for if, by his acts, he causes death, he is liable to be ind...
International law, military effectiveness, and public support for drone strikes
Despite the increased emphasis on domestic politics in the study of international law, scholars remain divided about whether and how international law affects domestic institutions. Moreover, while...
- International Law and the Military Uses of Outer Space
- To Take Him 'At His Word': Theorizing Law, Sexuality and the Us Military Exclusion Policy
- Book Review: Privatizing War: Private Military and Security Companies under Public International Law
- Book Review: International Law and Organization: Legal Problems Arising from the United Nations Military Operations in the Congo
- Book review: Private military and security companies in international law – A challenge for non-binding norms: The montreux document and the international code of conduct for private security service providers
- Reviews: La Politique de la Solitude: Essai Sur la Philosophie Politique de J.-J. Rousseau, Rousseau and Nationalism, The Concept of Justice, Staat Und Souveränität, Band 1: Die Grundlagen, Representation, Equality, Governing without Consensus; An Irish Perspective, Ulster; A Case Study in Conflict Theory, Parliament and Congress, Administrative Theory and Public Administration, Management in Government, Studies in The Growth of Nineteenth-Century Government, The Price of Amenity: Five Studies in Conservation and Government, State Enterprise: Business or Politics?, Politics, Finance and the Role of Economics: An Essay on the Control of Public Enterprise, Bureaucracy and Representative Government, Le Pouvoir Et Les Groupes de Pression: Etude de la Structure Politique Du Capitalisme, Comparative Communist Politics, Studies in Opposition, Latin American Legislatures: Their Role and Influence, Israel's Parliament: The Law of the Knesset, The Nigerian Army, The Nigerian Military, Ibo Politics. The Role of Ethnic U
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