Private Data in UK Law
More data for private investors.
...The Electronic Communications Act means that public companies can now use electronic media to communicate to shareholders information such as annual and interim reports and notice of meetings, as well as financial information. This puts private inves......
Barriers to use open government data in private sector and NGOs in Pakistan
Purpose: Open government data (OGD) is making available data freely to all by the government with the aim to ensure accountability and transparency in government besides generating public value by ...
The importance of open government data for the private sector and NGOs in Indonesia
Purpose: Open government data (OGD) is making data available free to all by the government with the aim of ensuring accountability and transparency in government besides generating public value by ...
Private Law Solutions in European Data Protection: Relationship to Privacy, and Waiver of Data Protection Rights
In this article a possibility of a private law approach to data protection is considered. The main thesis of the contribution is that the European legal order allows only a limited scope of contrac...
Private Companies and the Transfer of Data to Law Enforcement Authorities
The need for law enforcement authorities cooperating with private companies is not new. Personal data retained by private companies can be necessary for the purpose of preventing, detecting, invest...
Symposium on Public Performance Data and Private Business Decisions: Introduction
Why should business decision-makers study government performance data? The international collection of articles in this symposium illustrates the type of issues and da...
- Rules of the road and level playing-fields: the politics of data protection in Canada's private sector
Terror bytes: the use of big data has come under the spotlight amid concerns that individuals' private information is being misappropriated on a commercial scale. Elisabeth Jeffries assesses the business implications as the EU prepares to update its data protection legislation.
...It was intended as an open, free and benign service connecting people across the planet. But today the web seems to be trapping terabytes of innocently supplied data for more pernicious purposes. Alongside the spiders of Google and Facebook at its ce......
Time Ownership in the UK
Public and private companies have been quick to realise the potential value of a time share purchase as an incentive to employees and location for management get‐togethers.... ... Their target was public and private companies which were quick to realise the potential value of a timeshare ... ...
Consumer trust, perceived security and privacy policy. Three basic elements of loyalty to a web site
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of privacy and perceived security on the level of trust shown by the consumer in the internet. It also aims to reveal and test the close ...... ... thesecurity perceived by consumers regarding the handling of their private data.Practical implications – The results of this study provide several ... ...
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