Trading in UK Law
Insider trading – unsolved issues
Purpose: This paper aims to show that, despite the development of prevention mechanisms for banks, undetected insider trading remains highly feasible. It, thereby, highlights that the current anti-...
Cross‐Border Insider Trading
Some 40 years have now passed since the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) began seriously to attack the problem of insider trading in its seminal Cady, Roberts decision. Since then, a com...
Trading futures.
...In "Forward-looking finance" (July/August), Robert Shaw recommends avoiding the Beyond Budgeting movement and the balanced scorecard. But he is misinformed about the issues that Beyond Budgeting addresses and also about the reasons why the balanced s......
- Municipal Trading
Singapore: New Insider Trading Legislation
Hitherto, perhaps the most striking gap in Singapore's insider trading legislation has been the lack of effective civil remedies for insider trading. This and several other issues have been address...
Wrongful Trading: An Impotent Remedy?
Improved creditor and community protection seemed attainable goals when Professor Daniel Prentice described s. 214 of the Insolvency Act (‘s. 214’) as ‘one of the most important developments in com...
Does insider trading pay?. An analysis of trading and tipping activities in insider trading litigation
Purpose: This paper analyzes trading and tipping activities in insider trading litigation decided by federal courts from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2014. Design/methodology/approach: Legal do...
- Street Trading Permits
Vote Trading: An Attempt at Clarification
The aim of this paper is to clarify the continuing debate about the theoretical characteristics of vote trading. It sets about this by first emphasizing existing distinctions among types of vote tr...
Singapore: Recent Developments in Futures Trading
The Futures Trading Act has been in force in Singapore since 1986. In 1995, substantive changes were made to the Futures Trading Act to make it more effective and to reflect developments in the mar...
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