Wildlife Offences in UK Law
A Dangerous Job? An Examination of Violence against Conservation Officers
Conservation law enforcement is an area of policing that has been largely overlooked by sociologists and criminal justice researchers. Some have speculated that when compared to their traditional p...... ... whose primary responsibilityis the enforcement of sh and wildlife laws. While they possesssome similarities to their traditional law ... from COs, hunters and anglers who have been citedfor wildlife offences should be asked about the behaviour andprofessionalism of COs in the ... ...
A criminology of extinction: Biodiversity, extreme consumption and the vanity of species resurrection
This article explores an issue pertaining to the commodification of nature and related market processes – reviving extinct species. It begins by offering an overview of the aesthetic, economic, sci...... ... , consumption, de-extinction, extinction, hunting/poaching, wildlife (crime, trade, trafficking)IntroductionSignificant international work in ... enforcement and criminal justice systems have accorded wildlife offences a low priority when compared to other crimes (Cook et al., 2002), this is ... ...
Beyond wildlife crime: Towards the concept of ‘mundane fauna crime’
Research and theorisation on crimes against non-human species in rural regions have been conducted with less conceptual refinement than crimes against anthropocentric victims. The dominant concepti...... ... It is contended that social scientists have treated the study of offences against fauna with less epistemic, ontological and conceptual innovation and refinement than offences against anthropocentric victims (e.g. Green and ... ...
Basic Information
... ... Many of the provisions relating to highway offences also apply to public rights of way ... 1.2.3 Wildlife and Countryside ... ...
The anti-money laundering law in Tanzania: whither the ongoing “war” against economic crimes?
Purpose: This paper aims to explore the evolution of the law for combating economic crimes including money laundering in Tanzania and explore the current developments in the anti-money laundering (...... ... parallel to laundering ofproceeds generated from those criminal offences. Money laundering has had adverseimpacts on Tanzania and its economy and ... including illegal fishing, poaching, the illicittrade in wildlife and illegal loggingtrade [15],[16],[17],[18],[19],[20]. Other ... ...
The anti-money laundering law in Tanzania: whither the ongoing “war” against economic crimes?
Purpose: This paper aims to explore the evolution of the law for combating economic crimes including money laundering in Tanzania and explore the current developments in the anti-money laundering (...... ... parallel to laundering ofproceeds generated from those criminal offences. Money laundering has had adverseimpacts on Tanzania and its economy and ... including illegal fishing, poaching, the illicittrade in wildlife and illegal loggingtrade [15],[16],[17],[18],[19],[20]. Other ... ...
Revisiting the Role of Negotiation and Trivialization in Environmental Law Enforcement
Using an empirical assessment of the use of enforcement undertakings by the Environment Agency and the engagement of the courts with the recently enacted sentencing guidelines for environmental off...... ... with the recently enacted sentencing guidelines for environmental offences, this article argues that the enforcement of environmental law is ... often takes the form of a donation to a conservation or wildlife trust or similar charitable causes. 18 The use of charitable donations in ... ...
Ecocentrism and criminal justice
Ecocentrism refers to valuing nature for its own sake. This ecophilosophical orientation requires that all social practices incorporate ecological sensitivities and heightened awareness of the intr...... ... in regards to the prosecution of human subjects for environmental offences. A basic premise of the article is that for those interested in ... with criminal offences pertaining to the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW).Table 1. Indicators of ecocentrism.Indicator ExampleThe ... ...
Searching for Change: Scottish Stop and Search Powers
... ... powers in relation to persons suspected of “core” criminal offences: possession of or carrying an offensive weapon 23 in a public place 24 ... 33 ... A number of powers exist in relation to wildlife and environmental offences. These grant constables the power to stop and ... ...
The convergence of environmental crime with other serious crimes: Subtypes within the environmental crime continuum
The rising global scarcity of natural resources increasingly attracts transnational criminal organizations. Organized crime syndicates diversify into the lucrative business of tropical timber, enda...... ... Crime mutualism embodies barter trade such as wildlife being exchanged for drugs and stolen cars, or camouflage, when a ... The types of crimes in the cases mainly included trafficking offences, such as timber, wildlife, fish, and mineral trafficking with links to the ... ...
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