Public and Administrative Law (Books and Journals)
- International Migration From No. 1-2, April 1963 to No. 61-6, December 2023 Wiley, 2022
- Public Administration From No. 1-1, January 1923 to No. 101-4, December 2023 Wiley, 2022
- Public Administration and Development From No. 4-S2, October 1952 to No. 43-5, December 2023 Wiley, 2022
- Public Policy and Administration From No. 1-1, January 1986 to No. 39-2, April 2024 Sage Publications, Inc., 2021
- Construction Disputes. Seeking Sensible Solutions by: London Publishing Partnership, 2021
- British Journal of American Legal Studies From No. 5-1, April 2016 to No. 10-2, August 2021
- British Journal of Community Justice From No. 1-1, March 2002 to No. 17-2, September 2021
- Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication From No. 67-1/2, February 2018 to No. 72-4/5, February 2022 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2021
- Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research From No. 1-1, April 2009 to No. 14-4, October 2022 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2021
- Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies From No. 1-1, January 2008 to No. 16-2, May 2023 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2021
- Journal of Documentation From No. 1-1, January 1945 to No. 79-7, March 2023 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2021
- Journal of Educational Administration From No. 1-1, January 1963 to No. 58-3, April 2020 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2021
- Journal of Public Mental Health From No. 1-1, January 1999 to No. 19-2, June 2020 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2021
- Journal of Public Procurement From No. 1-1, April 2001 to No. 20-2, April 2020 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2021
- Mental Health Review Journal From No. 1-1, March 1996 to No. 25-1, March 2020 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2021
- Quality Assurance in Education From No. 1-1, January 1993 to No. 28-2, March 2020 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2021
- The Journal of Adult Protection From No. 1-1, August 1999 to No. 22-2, April 2020 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2021
- The Journal of Forensic Practice From No. 15-1, February 2013 to No. 22-2, March 2020 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2021
- The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice From No. 1-1, May 2006 to No. 15-3, April 2020 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2021
- Journal of Property Investment & Finance From No. 17-1, March 1999 to No. 40-4, June 2022 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2021
- Journal of Law and Society From No. 24-1, March 1997 to No. 50-4, December 2023 Wiley, 2021
- Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics From No. 35-1, February 1973 to No. 86-1, February 2024 Wiley, 2021
- Scottish Journal of Political Economy From No. 1-1, March 1954 to No. 71-1, February 2024 Wiley, 2021
- Construction Law. Volume I - Third Edition by: London Publishing Partnership, 2020
- Construction Law. Volume II - Third Edition by: London Publishing Partnership, 2020
- Construction Law. Volume III - Third Edition by: London Publishing Partnership, 2020
- Art Antiquity & Law From Vol. 23 No. 1, April 2018 to Vol. 28 No. 2, July 2023 Institute of Art and Law, 2019
- Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table From No. 2007, December 2007 to No. 2022, March 2022 Forum on Public Policy, 2018
- Watson-Gandy On Corporate Insolvency Practice - 2nd Edition by: Wildy Simmonds & Hill, 2017
- Disagreement and dissent in Judicial Decision-making by: Wildy Simmonds & Hill, 2013
Multiple pathways to solve urban challenges: A shared portfolio approach towards smart city development
Municipalities often collaborate with other stakeholders in smart city projects to develop and implement technological innovations to address complex urban issues. We propose the shared portfolio approach as an alternative way of collaborating, because we have identified possible limitations when the commonly used single-project approach is adopted in complex contexts, such as the smart city...
The democratic quality of co-creation: A theoretical exploration
This article aims to initiate a conversation about the democratic quality of co-creation. There is growing interest in co-creation as a tool for mobilizing societal resources, enhancing creative problem-solving, and building broad-based ownership for public solutions. While researchers have focused on the contribution of co-creation to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of public...
Capable supervision, pragmatic engagement, and hands-off steering: Three preferences of Chinese government officials for governing non-profit organizations in public service delivery
Governments’ preferences for governing non-profit organizations (NPOs) are a relevant but understudied issue for governance scholars. Using Q methodology, this study investigates Chinese government officials’ preferences for governing NPOs that deliver public services. We identified three government preferences: capable supervision, pragmatic engagement, and hands-off steering. We found different
Contextualising co-production and complex needs: Understanding the engagement of service users with severe and multiple disadvantages
Much has been written about co-production in mainstream services but less is known about its applicability to service users with severe and multiple disadvantages (SMD). Given the sometimes-precarious relationship between providers and users with SMD, the paper argues that co-production should not be approached in the same way as conventional user engagement because of the degree of...
Varieties of governance versatility and institutions: Comparing the governance of primary care performance in six jurisdictions
Research on governance often assumes that governance requires combinations of hierarchical, market and network co-ordination. However, governance versatility – understood as the existence of a repertoire of different modes of coordination – is not a characteristic of all instances of governance. The aim of this paper is to offer a more thorough analysis by exploring existing levels of governance...
Economics, ideas or institutions? Agencification through government-owned enterprises in illiberal contexts: The case of Hungary
Corporate state agencies (CSAs) are government/state-owned enterprises (GOEs) that perform public tasks. The main objective of this article is to better understand the drivers of governments’ changing reliance on CSAs in performing public tasks. We pursue this ambition in a particular context: one characterized by the illiberal transformation of political and state institutions. Based on a review
Not the usual suspects: creating the conditions for and implementing co-production with marginalised young people in Glasgow
Co-production is now an established part of public service delivery. Despite its popularity, there is only a limited understanding about how co-production works in practice, particularly with marginalised groups. This paper identifies and explores insights from three case studies of a successful co-productive approach in Glasgow, Scotland. Operation Modulus is a criminal justice initiative...
Judicial efficiency and economic growth: Evidence based on European Union data
We investigate the effects of judicial efficiency on economic growth using a new dataset over the period 2010–2018 drawn by the European Union Justice Scoreboard. To do so, we estimate a growth equation controlling for alternative de facto judicial efficiency indicators. Our findings suggest that operational inefficiencies of judicial systems undermine economic growth, weakening its capability to
The geopolitical risk spillovers across BRICS countries: A quantile frequency connectedness approach
This paper investigates the geopolitical risk spillovers among BRICS countries during the 1985–2022 period. We adopt the novel quantile frequency connectedness approach, which allows us to examine the risk transmission by frequency and quantile. The geopolitical risks spread more intensely among BRICS countries during extreme circumstances. The long‐term geopolitical risk spillovers are the main...
A Brief History of General‐to‐specific Modelling*
We review key stages in the development of general‐to‐specific modelling (Gets). Selecting a simplified model from a more general specification was initially implemented manually, then through computer programs to its present automated machine learning role to discover a viable empirical model. Throughout, Gets applications faced many criticisms, especially from accusations of ‘data mining’—no...
The impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on high‐skilled and low‐skilled labor markets in a DSGE model
This research analyzes the unequal impact of COVID‐19 on high‐skilled and low‐skilled labor in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model. The model is calibrated to fit Taiwan's economy and evaluates the effectiveness of various fiscal measures, including an increase in government spending, an increase in lump‐sum transfers, a disbursement of consumption vouchers, and an income tax...
Capital misallocation in Chinese industrial firms
This paper investigates the impact of volatility in profitability shock, capital price distortion and adjustment costs on capital misallocation among Chinese industrial firms. We estimate a dynamic model pertaining firms' investment decision, incorporating institutional differences between state and private firms, so the model can reproduce salient features observed from Chinese firms. Our...
A tale of two taxes: State‐dependency of tax policy
In this paper, we build a simple endogenous growth model with labour and corporate taxes to investigate the asymmetric effects of tax policy over the growth trajectory. We employ a newly developed panel smooth transition model to empirically analyse a sample of 19 advanced economies over the 1961–2017 period. We find that both the asymmetric effects and the tax measures used are essential. We...
- Issue Information
Income taxation and progressivity: A measure of equitability
This paper proposes a measure of ‘equitability of taxation’, in the context of progressivity and the income tax. By postulating specifications of ‘extreme equitability’ and ‘extreme inequitability’ of a tax system, the paper advances a measure of tax equitability as the normalised area distance of a ‘tax concentration curve’ from its most inequitable version. The measure is derived, and a...
Non‐parametric Estimator for Conditional Mode with Parametric Features*
We in this paper propose a new approach for estimating conditional mode non‐parametrically to capture the ‘most likely’ effect built on local linear approximation, in which a parametric pilot modal regression is locally adjusted through a kernel smoothing fit to potentially reduce the bias asymptotically without affecting the variance of the estimator. Specifically, we first estimate a parametric
Smooth and Abrupt Dynamics in Financial Volatility: The MS‐MEM‐MIDAS*
In this paper, we maintain that the evolution of the realized volatility is characterized by a combination of high‐frequency dynamics and smoother, yet persistent, dynamics evolving at a lower frequency. We suggest a new Multiplicative Error Model which combines the mixed frequency features of a MIDAS at the monthly level with Markovian dynamics at the daily level. When estimated in‐sample on the
Identifying Politically Connected Firms: A Machine Learning Approach*
This article introduces machine learning techniques to identify politically connected firms. By assembling information from publicly available sources and the Orbis company database, we constructed a novel firm population dataset from Czechia in which various forms of political connections can be determined. The data about firms' connections are unique and comprehensive. They include political...
- Issue Information
Are Economics Conferences Gender‐Neutral? Evidence from Ireland*
We study gender inequality in conference acceptance using data from the Irish Economic Association annual conference from 2016 to 2022, exploiting the introduction of anonymized submission in 2021 to study the effect of blinding. While no gender gap is observed in organizers' acceptance decisions, there is an indication of gender difference favouring the in‐group at the reviewer stage. In...
Sequencing the COVID‐19 Recession in the USA: What Were the Macroeconomic Drivers?
We apply a structural vectorautoregressive analysis to decompose fluctuations in the growth rate of industrial production and inflation precipitated by the COVID‐19 pandemic in the USA into aggregate demand, aggregate supply, and uncertainty shocks. While all three types of shocks contributed to output and inflation dynamics, the surge in economic uncertainty contributed to the decline in output...
Partial Identification of Marginal Treatment Effects with Discrete Instruments and Misreported Treatment*
This paper provides partial identification results for the marginal treatment effect (MTE) when the binary treatment variable is potentially misreported and the instrumental variable is discrete. Identification results are derived under smoothness assumptions. Bounds for both the case of misreported treatment and the case of no misreported treatment are derived. The identification results are...
Foetal Exposure to Air Pollution and Students' Cognitive Performance: Evidence from Agricultural Fires in Brazil*
This paper examines the impact of foetal exposure to air pollution from agricultural fires on Brazilian students' cognitive performance later in life. We rely on comparisons across children who were upwind and downwind of the fires while in utero to address concerns around sorting and temporary income shocks. Our findings show that agricultural fires increase PM2.5$$ {\mathrm{PM}}_{2.5} $$,...
“Most people don’t like a client group that tell you to get fucked”: Choice and control in Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme for formerly incarcerated people
Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a substantial policy reform aiming to radically transform the design and delivery of disability services. Choice and control are key tenets of the scheme, however challenges and limitations exist with respect to inequities and difficulties posed by boundaries between the NDIS and mainstream services. People with disability who have been...
- Despoina Mantzari, Courts, Regulators, and the Scrutiny of Economic Evidence, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 272 pp, hb £70.00
“From ‘it’s not possible’ to ‘how we can do it’”. Challenges, opportunities and proposals to adopt intersectionality in local administration
The growing interest in the incorporation of intersectionality in public policies, combined with the lack of tools, entails two risks: the rhetoric use of the term and its depoliticization. The present article seeks to analyse the obstacles and facilitating factors for intersectional mainstreaming in the local administration, based on the study case of Terrassa City Council (Spain), which...
- Mary Synge, The University‐Charity: Challenging Perceptions in Higher Education, 2023, xix + 504 pp, hb £120.
Contesting Housing Inequality: Housing Rights and Social Movements
This article engages with a leading contemporary criticism of social and economic human rights, namely that because such rights are organised around sufficiency norms, they are ill‐equipped to challenge and overturn forms of material inequality. The sufficiency thesis raises issues around the nature of social rights and their capacity to deliver transformative change, and lays a direct challenge...
“From ‘it’s not possible’ to ‘how we can do it’”. Challenges, opportunities and proposals to adopt intersectionality in local administration
The growing interest in the incorporation of intersectionality in public policies, combined with the lack of tools, entails two risks: the rhetoric use of the term and its depoliticization. The present article seeks to analyse the obstacles and facilitating factors for intersectional mainstreaming in the local administration, based on the study case of Terrassa City Council (Spain), which...
A New Self‐Defence Framework for Domestic Abuse Survivors Who Use Violent Resistance in Response
This article criticises the government's rejection of proposals by the Prison Reform Trust that would have extended self‐defence in householder cases to victims/survivors of domestic abuse. The authors argue that the Prison Reform Trust proposals should be enacted, and further supported by novel complementary reform of the option to retreat, and the exclusion of intoxicated mistaken belief in...