No. 35-3/4, November 2019
- Use of Koha-integrated library system by higher education institutions in Malawi
- “Libraries motors of change” and the social role of (digital) libraries for their communities. Interview with IFLA President Glòria Pérez-Salmerón
- Mining the treasure of palm leaf manuscripts through information retrieval techniques
- Semantic annotation and harvesting of federated scholarly data using ontologies
- An assessment of digital literacy skills and knowledge-based competencies among librarians working in university libraries in Africa
- Exploring the utility of an emerging altmetric platform: a SWOT analysis of Plum Analytics
- Level of satisfaction and utilization of EBSCOhost among UPHSL students and faculty
- Strategies for inclusive and safe education using virtual reality: from the digital library perspective
- Digital information resources: use and perceptions of deaf and hearing students
- Perceived value of social media in students’ participation in social movement. A developing country perspective
- Mining archival genealogy databases to gain new insights into broader historical issues