No. 35-4, November 2017
- Human behavior analysis for library and information science
- Developing a context-aware annotation system for Hakka culture-specific language learning
- Is there any efficient reading strategy when using text signals for navigation in a long document?
- The influence of learning style on satisfaction and learning effectiveness in the asynchronous web-based learning system
- An overview of contemporary international human resource management studies. Themes and relationships
- Who will cite you back? Reciprocal link prediction in citation networks
- Understanding regional characteristics through crowd preference and confidence mining in P2P accommodation rental service
- A comprehensive digital environment for visually impaired students: user’s perspectives
- Library usage mining in the context of alternative costs. The case of the Municipal Library of Prague
- Human behavior analysis in the production and consumption of scientific knowledge across regions. A case study on publications in Scopus
- A comparative study of cuckoo search and flower pollination algorithm on solving global optimization problems
- Evaluating students’ learning achievement and flow experience with tablet PCs based on AR and tangible technology in u-learning
- Learning attitudes and problem-solving attitudes for blended problem-based learning
- Investigating the uptake of educational systems by academics using the technology to performance chain model
- Asynchronous social search as a single point of access to information