No. 37-3, September 2019
- User-opinion mining for mobile library apps in China: exploring user improvement needs
- Extracting and applying evaluation criteria for ontology quality assessment
- User experience of e-government: the Nigeria Immigration Service
- Taking archives to the people. The use of social media as a tool to promote public archives in South Africa
- Three-dimensional scanning and printing techniques to analyze and archive human skeletal remains
- Investigating user continuance intention toward library self-service technology. The case of self-issue and return systems in the public context
- The intelligent library. Thought leaders’ views on the likely impact of artificial intelligence on academic libraries
- Development and evaluation of an automatic text annotation system for supporting digital humanities research
- Blind academic library users’ experiences with obtaining full text and accessible full text of books and articles in the USA. A qualitative study
- Social media, diffusion of innovations, morale and digital inequality. A case study at the University of Limpopo Libraries, South Africa
- Pain points of cultural institutions in search visibility: the case of Serbia
- What comes next: understanding BIBFRAME
- Investigation of challenges in academic institutional repositories. A survey of academic librarians
- Benefits and challenges of BIBFRAME. Cataloging special format materials, implementation, and continuing educational resources
- Evaluating the usability of the information architecture of academic library websites
- Information visualization skills for academic librarians. A content analysis of publications and online LibGuides in the digital humanities
- IoT-based real time intelligent routing for emergent crowd evacuation
- Bridging identity challenges: why and how one library plugged ORCiD into their enterprise