No. 38-1, March 2020
- Editorial
- The Internet of Things (IoT): a survey of techniques, operating systems, and trends
- Internet of Things and its applications in libraries: a literature review
- Libraries in Internet of Things (IoT) era
- Theoretical foundations and applications of cyber-physical systems: a literature review
- Cyber physics system: a review
- The application of CPS in library management: a survey
- Internet of Things applications in public safety management: a survey
- Internet of Things-based intelligent evacuation protocol in libraries
- Artificial Intelligence powered Internet of Things and smart public service
- An Internet of Things based material delivery model for disaster management in libraries
- A material delivery system built on Internet of Things and the role of libraries
- Information integration in libraries
- Social internet of vehicles: an epistemological and systematic perspective
- Selection of technology standardization mode for libraries based on game theory
- Technology standardization, competitive behavior, and enterprises’ performance of innovation. A conceptual model