No. 29-1/2, March 2019
- Guest editorial
- Perspectives on the relationship between records management and information governance
- The influence of organizational culture on information governance effectiveness
- The defensible deletion of government email
- A must for agencies or a candidate for deletion. A grounded theory investigation of the relationships between records management and information security
- Theory, regulation and practice in Swedish digital records appraisal
- An integrated framework to elevate information governance to a national level in South Africa
- Leadership and political will for implementation of the access to information (ATI) Act (2016) in Kenya
- The impact of new public management through outsourcing on the management of government information. The case of Sweden
- Open government data: critical information management perspectives
- The role of information governance in e-discovery – the case of China
- Participatory information governance. Transforming recordkeeping for childhood out-of-home Care
- Balancing information governance obligations when accessing social care data for collaborative research
- The role of archives and records management legislation after colonialism in Africa. Case of Southern Africa
- The inevitability of digital transfer. How prepared are UK public bodies for the transfer of born-digital records to the archives?
- “The margin between the edge of the world and infinite possibility”. Blockchain, GDPR and information governance
- The monistic diversity of continuum informatics. A method for analysing the relationships between recordkeeping informatics, ethics and information governance
- Situating trust challenges of online trade