No. 35-5, October 2017
- Understanding mobile learning adoption in higher education. An empirical investigation in the context of the mobile library
- The use of electronic resources by undergraduate students at the University of Venda, South Africa
- Analysing the relationship between information-seeking and help-seeking behaviours in a digital library
- Level of awareness among veterinary students of GADVASU towards plagiarism: a case study
- Comparison of Persian bibliographic records with FRBR
- Citation impact of health and medical journals in Africa: does open accessibility matter?
- Towards a holistic model for quality of learning object repositories. A practical application to the indicator of metadata compliance
- Analysis of technological, individual and community factors influencing the use of popular Web 2.0 tools in LIS education
- Organizational knowledge documentation in project-based institutes. A case study at the satellite research institute
- Electronic resource management (ERM) in libraries of management institutes in India
- Reliability and validity of self-efficacy scales assessing students’ information literacy skills. A systematic review
- Haze in the digital library: design issues hampering accessibility for blind users
- Library Technology and Digital Resources: An Introduction for Support Staff
- Library Consortia: Models for Collaboration and Sustainability