No. 47-S1, October 2020
- Caught in an Authoritarian Trap of Its Own Making? Brazil's ‘Lava Jato’ Anti‐Corruption Investigation and the Politics of Prosecutorial Overreach
- From Car Wash to Bolsonaro: Law and Lawyers in Brazil's Illiberal Turn (2014–2018)
- Introduction: Wars on Law, Wars through Law? Law and Lawyers in Times of Crisis
- Law against the Rule of Law: Assaulting Democracy
- Law's Wars, Law's Trials
- Partition by Degrees: Routine Exceptions in Border and Immigration Practice between the UK and Ireland, 1921–1972
- Politics by Other Means in South Africa Today
- Table of Contents
- The Rule of Law in Fragile States: Dictatorship, Collapse, and the Politics of Religion in Post‐Colonial Somalia
- The ‘Fight against Corruption’ in Brazil from the 2000s: A Political Crusade through Judicial Activism
- Transnational Jihadism and the Role of Criminal Judges: An Ethnography of French Courts