No. 49-3, September 2022
- A radical not an incrementalist1Online Courts and the Future of Justice, RICHARD SUSSKIND, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, 368 pp., £19.99
- Access to Justice for Vulnerable and Energy‐Poor Consumers: Just Energy? NAOMI CREUTZFELDT, CHRIS GILL, MARINE CORNELIS, AND RACHEL MCPHERSON, Oxford: Hart, 2021, 336 pp., £85.00
- Agency and vulnerability in the field of immigration law: a linguistic‐ethnographic perspective on lawyer–client interaction
- Cryptocurrencies and the Regulatory Challenge, ALLAN C. HUTCHINSON, London: Routledge, 2021, 156 pp., £120.00
- Doing diversity in the legal profession in England and Wales: why do disabled people continue to be unexpected?
- From shame to guilt: negotiating moral and legal responsibility within apologies for historical institutional abuse
- Issue Information
- Law, ‘presentist’ agendas, and the making of ‘official’ memory after collective violence
- SLSA E‐Newsletter
- Synthesize this: integrating innovation governance and EU regulation of synthetic biology
- The paradox of human rights and three forms for its unfolding
- Worlds we have lost? Hope and disappointment in the history of English criminal justice.The Official History of Criminal Justice in England and Wales, Volume I: The ‘Liberal Hour’, PAULROCK, London: Routledge, 2020, 616 pp., £96.00The Official History of Criminal Justice in England and Wales, Volume II: Institution Building, PAULROCK, London: Routledge, 2020, 564 pp., £96.00The Official History of Criminal Justice in England and Wales, Volume III: The Rise and Fall of Penal Hope, DAVID DOWNES, London: Routledge, 2021, 290 pp., £96.00
- ‘F**k this game … I'm off’: financial and emotional factors in declining legal representation in miscarriage of justice cases