No. 49-4, December 2022
- A planetary guide to lawyer funambulism?Lawyers in 21st‐Century Societies, Volume 1: National Reports, EDITED BY RICHARD L. ABEL, OLE HAMMERSLEV, HILARY SOMMERLAD, ULRIKE SCHULTZ, Oxford: Hart, 2020, 956 pp., £275.00Lawyers in 21st‐Century Societies, Volume 2: Comparisons and Theories, EDITED BY RICHARD L. ABEL, HILARY SOMMERLAD, OLE HAMMERSLEV, ULRIKE SCHULTZ, Oxford: Hart, 2022, 704 pp., £190.00
- Continuities of exploitation: seasonal migrant workers in German agriculture during the COVID‐19 pandemic
- Doing Sociolegal Research in Design Mode, AMANDA PERRY‐KESSARIS, London: Routledge, 2021, 154 pp., £44.99
- Faces of hunger: an intersectional approach to children's right to food in the United Kingdom
- Issue Information
- Justifying and practising effective participation in the Court of Protection: an empirical study*
- Labour/data justice: a new framework for labour/regulatory datafication
- Law and childbirth in Ireland after the 8th Amendment: notes on women's legal consciousness
- Redefining consent: rape law reform, reasonable belief, and communicative responsibility
- The counter‐reparative impacts of South Africa's reparations gap: victims as reparations ‘experts’ and the role of victims’ organizations
- The Redress of Law: Globalisation, Constitutionalism and Market Capture Emilios Christodoulidis Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, 608 pp., £34.99
- The ‘legal’ in socio‐legal history: Woods and Pirie v. Cumming Gordon
- We Uyghurs Have No Say: An Imprisoned Writer Speaks, ILHAM TOHTI / TRANSLATED BY YAXUE CAO / CINDY CARTER / MATTHEW ROBERTSON, London: Verso, 2022, 174 pp., £14.99
- What does gender equality need? Revisiting the formal and informal in feminist legal politics