No. 50-3, September 2023
- Colonial Bureaucracy and Contemporary Citizenship: Legacies of Race and Emergency in the Former British Empire By Yael Berda, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, 280 pp., £75.00
- Epistemic othering: the interplay of knowledges in legislative drafting
- Global legal change from below and above
- Infrastructure: New Trajectories in Law By Mariana Valverde, London: Routledge, 2022, 124 pp., £48.99
- Issue Information
- Law, language, and the power of ‘invisible threats’ of violence against women
- SLSA E‐Newsletter
- Social Citizenship in an Age of Welfare Regionalism: The State of the Social Union By Mark Simpson, Oxford: Hart, 2022, 198 pp., £76.50
- Speaking up: why people dare to sue the government in China
- The Abortion Act 1967: A Biography of a UK Law By Sally Sheldon, Gayle Davis, Jane O'Neill, and Clare Parker, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023, 360 pp., £25.99
- ‘The rules are all over the place’: Mass Observation, time, and law in the COVID‐19 pandemic