No. 74-3, May 2011
- Company Law in Context: Text and Materials by David Kershaw
- Copyright Law and the Public Interest in the Nineteenth Century by Isabella Alexander
- Extending the Confusion About Bayes
- Giorgio Agamben: Power, Law and the Uses of Criticism by Thanos Zartaloudis
- Incapacity, the Labour Market and Social Security: Coercion into ‘Positive’ Citizenship
- Intellectual Property and EU Competition Law by Jonathan D.C. Turner
- International Commercial Litigation by Richard Fentiman
- Judicial Transformations: The Rights Revolution in the Courts of Europe by Mitchel de S‐O‐l' E. Lasser
- Justinian's Digest: Character and Compilation by Tony Honoré
- London 2012 and the Impact of the UK's Olympic and Paralympic Legislation: Protecting Commerce or Preserving Culture?
- Marriage and Divorce in the Supreme Court and the Law Commission: for Love or Money?
- The Scope of Conversion: Property and Contract
- UN Sanctions: Where Public Law Meets Public International Law
- What Did the Lawyers Do During the ‘War’? Neutrality, Conflict and the Culture of Quietism