No. 75-5, September 2012
- A Behavioural Understanding of Privacy and its Implications for Privacy Law
- Compassionate Killings: The Case for a Partial Defence
- Dawn Oliver and Carlo Fusaro (eds), How Constitutions Change: A Comparative Study, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2011, 510 pp, hb £55.00.
- Didi Herman, An Unfortunate Coincidence: Jews, Jewishness and English Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, 208 pp, hb £36.99.
- Estelle Derclaye and Matthias Leistner, Intellectual Property Overlaps: A European Perspective, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2010, 406 pp, hb £70.00.
- European Union Soft Law: New Developments Concerning the Divide Between Legally Binding Force and Legal Effects
- Hearsay and Human Rights: Al‐Khawaja in the Grand Chamber
- Is Public Law Ordinary?
- Judging and Jurisprudence in the USA B.Z. Tamanaha , Beyond the Formalist‐Realist Divide: The Role of Politics in Judging, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010, 252 pp, pb £16.95.
- Standard Form Contracts as Transnational Law: Evidence from the Derivatives Markets
- The Territorial Scope of Employment Legislation and Choice of Law
- The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Mental Health Law
- ‘Substantial and Radical Change’: A New Dawn for Scottish Criminal Procedure?