No. 79-1, January 2016
- Black Spiders Weaving Webs: The Constitutional Implications of Executive Veto of Tribunal Determinations
- Carol Harlow and Richard Rawlings, Process and Procedure in EU Administration, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2014, 352 pp, pb £35.00.
- Is there an EU Copyright Jurisprudence? An Empirical Analysis of the Workings of the European Court of Justice
- Kadi: King‐Slayer or King‐Maker? The Shifting Allocation of Decision‐Making Power between the UN Security Council and Courts
- Law as Information in the Era of Data‐Driven Agency
- Maria Aristodemou, Law, Psychoanalysis, Society: Taking the Unconscious Seriously, Abingdon: Routledge, 2014, 190 pp, hb £75.00.
- Nicole Roughan, Authorities: Conflicts, Cooperation and Transnational Legal Theories, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, 288 pp, hb £63.00.
- Sarah Green, Causation in Negligence, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2015, 175 pp, hb £50.00.
- Something Old, Something New: Recasting the European Insolvency Regulation
- The Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 – Secure Colleges and the Legitimation of State Sponsored Violence
- Uses of Macro Social Theory: A Social Housing Case Study
- Virginia Mantouvalou (ed), The Right to Work: Legal and Philosophical Perspectives, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2015, 351 + xiv pp, hb £60.00.