No. 85-2, March 2022
- Adam Chilton and Mila Versteeg, How Constitutional Rights Matter, New York: Oxford University Press, 2020, viii + 388, hb £64.00
- Are Litigants, Trials and Precedents Vanishing After All?
- D. Hallinan, R. Leenes, S. Gutwirth, and P. De Hert (eds), Data Protection and Privacy: Data Protection and Democracy, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2020, 336pp, hb £45.00
- Fiona Macmillan, Intellectual and Cultural Property: Between Market and Community, Abingdon, Routledge, 2021, 232 pp, hb £120 e‐book £25.89
- Law School 2061Ψ
- Recognising What is Lost in Reproductive Harms: Whittington Hospital NHS Trust v XX
- Rights‐Restricting Rhetoric: The Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Act 2021
- S. Cowan, C. Kennedy and V. Munro (eds), Scottish Feminist Judgments: (Re)Creating Law from the Outside In, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2020, 472pp, hb £95.00
- Simon Deakin and Christopher Markou (eds), Is Law Computable: Critical Perspectives on Law and Artificial Intelligence, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2020, xxi + 320 pages, hb £72.00
- The Independence of Justice in the Cauldron of International Relations
- The Law of Central Bank Reserve Creation
- The Presumption Against Extraterritoriality, Mutual Legal Assistance, and the Future of Law Enforcement Cross‐Border Evidence Collection
- The ‘Market’ in Criminal Law Theory
- Undue Influence and Will Substitutes: Vitiating Transactions that Blur the Boundaries between Life and Death
- William Rodolph Cornish (1937‐2022)
- X‐GmbH v Finanzamt Stuttgart – Körperschaften: Abuse of Tax Law and Exchange of Tax Information in EU law