No. 86-4, July 2023
- Alysia Blackham, Reforming Age Discrimination Law: Beyond Individual Enforcement, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022, hb, 400 pp (also available as e‐book), £80.00
- Anomalies in Tort Law: A Cause for Concern?
- Armstead v Royal Sun Alliance Insurance Company Ltd: The Interface between The Winkfield and Conarken
- Ernest J. Weinrib, Reciprocal Freedom: Private Law and Public Right, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, 240 pp, hb, £90.00
- Expertise, Public Health and the European Convention on Human Rights: Vavřička v Czech Republic
- Federico Picinali, Justice In‐Between: A Study of Intermediate Criminal Verdicts, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, 278 pp, hb £80.00
- Prioritising Proof over Speculation: Resolving the Prospective Inability Problem in Contract Damages
- Prisoner Voting in the United Kingdom: An Empirical Study of a Contested Prisoner Right
- Skeleton Keys to Hospital Doors: Adolescent Adults who Refuse Life‐Sustaining Medical Treatment
- The Change in Judicial Practice in Cases Concerning Civil Disobedience Protests and its Constitutional Significance
- The Charities Act 2022 and its Dissuasive Effects on Donors
- What's Choice Got to Do With It? Addressing the Pitfalls of Using Choice‐Architecture Discourse Within Poverty Law