No. 26-1, March 2024
- Book Review: Handbook on Migration and Ageing by Sandra Torres and Alistair Hunter (eds.)
- Book Review: Human Dignity and Democracy in Europe. Synergies, Tensions and Crises by Daniel Bedford, Catherine Dupré, Gábor Halmai and Panos Kapotas (eds)
- Book Review: Law and Social Policy in the Global South by Ulrike Davy and Albert H.Y. Chen (eds.)
- Book Review: Research Handbook on European Union Citizenship Law and Policy. Navigating Challenges and Crises by Dora Kostakopoulou, Daniel Thym (eds)
- Book Review: Structural Injustice and Workers’ Rights by Virginia Mantouvalou
- Book Review: The lighthouse function of social law. Proceedings of the ISLSSL XIV European regional congress Ghent 2023 by Yves Jorens (ed.)
- Mapping social protection coverage for platform workers: A comparative analysis of Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands
- Overview of recent cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union (September-December 2023)
- Overview of recent cases before the European Court of Human Rights and the European Committee of Social Rights (June 2023 – December 2023)
- Social assistance and the end of poverty
- The impact of taking up care tasks on pensions: Results of typical-case simulations for several European countries1