No. 9-2, October 1987
- Anglo-Argentine Relations Five Years After the South Atlantic Armed Conflict
- Book Reviews : "The Baltic States and Weimar Ostpolitik"; John Hiden, Cambridge University Press, 1987, £25.00. "German-Soviet Relations in the Weimar Era, Friendship From Necessity"; RH Halgh, DS Morriss, AR Peters, Gower 1985
- Book Reviews : Burdened with Cyprus: the British Connection, John Reddaway, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, London, 1987, pp. 237 + Introduction by Anthony Parsons and Author's Preface, £14.95
- Book Reviews : Ideology and Foreign Policy: Problems of Comparative Conceptualization. Walter Carlsnaes. Basil Blackwell. 1987. £22.50. On Diplomacy: A Genealogy of Western Estrangement. James Der Derian. Basil Blackwell. 1987. £22.50
- Book Reviews : Iran: at war with History by John W Limbert, Croom Helm, 1987, £25
- Book Reviews : Nuclear Rights, Nuclear Wrongs, edited by Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller, Jr., Jeffrey Paul and John Ahrens. Oxford: Blackwells for the Social Philosophy and Policy Centre, Bowling Green State University, 1986, 222pp., £17.50
- Book Reviews : The China Challenge, Adjustment and Reform; David S G Goodman, Martin Lockett and Gerald Segal; Chatham House Papers Nr 32; Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, New York and Andover, 1986, paper, £5.95. Towards Capitalist Restoration? Chinese Socialism after Mao, Michael Chossudovsky, Macmillan Education Ltd, London, 1986, hardback £20, paper £6.95
- Book Reviews : The General Assembly In World Politics by M J Peterson Allen & Unwin 1986 £30
- Book Reviews : The Greening of Africa, Paul Harrison, Paladin Grafton Books, 1987. Paperback £4.95
- Book Reviews : The Iron Curtain: Churchill, America, and the Origins of the Cold War. Fraser J. Harbutt, Oxford University Press, 1986 £22.50
- Book Reviews : The Specialized Agencies and the United Nations: The System in Crisis, Douglas Williams, C. Hurst and Company, London, for the David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies, 1987, 279 pp + XVI, £17.50
- Book Reviews : The Stability of the International Monetary System, W.M. Scammell: Macmillan Education, 1987
- Book Reviews : Verification: How Much Is Enough?, Allan S. Krass, London and Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis, for SIPRI, 1985. pp, x + 271. £25.00
- Justifying the Official Aid Programme: Challenging Its Critics
- Political Factors Contributing To the Generation of Refugees in the Horn of Africa
- The Common Agricultural Policy
- The Future of the Falklands: a View From Britain
- The Maritime Strategy and the Us Alliances: Prospects and Forebodings