No. 50-2, June 1984
- Bibliography — a Selection
- Chronicle of the Institute
- Directing Multilateral Aid from the Outside: Donors Caught in a Quicksand Trap
- Facing Momentous Choices
- International and Administrative Responses : an Australian Perspective
- L'influence de modèles adminis tratifs nationaux sur le système administratif des institutions des Nations Unies
- National Policies for Local Govern ment Computing: an Assessment of Experience in Ten OECD Countries
- Schools and Institutes of Public Administration
- Some Recent Developments in Indian Administrative Law
- The Influence of National Administrative Models on the Administrative Systems of the United Nations Institutions
- Towards an Administration of Communication : Perspectives and Limits of Reforms in Western Countries
- Vers une administration de communication: perspectives et limites des reformes engagées dans les pays occidentaux