No. 88-1, March 2022
- Academic policy advice in consensus-seeking countries: the cases of Belgium and Germany
- Adopting microblogging solutions for interaction with government: survey results from Hunan province, China
- An analysis of the design factors of work procedures: implications for local government administration in South Africa
- Editorial
- Financial divergences of equalization and their impact on regional development in Morocco
- How can governance support collaborative innovation in the public sector? A systematic review of the literature
- Identifying influencing factors of sustainable public service transformation: a systematic literature review
- In charge of safeguarding the public interest: the role of goal clarity in shaping public service motivation and the acceptance of unethical behaviours
- Interactions between institutional logics and cultural dynamics in the public–private integration process
- Public managers’ perception of exploitative and explorative innovation: an empirical study in the context of Spanish municipalities
- Public sector accounting contexts in the EPSAS change: a comparative study of Italy and Sweden
- The interaction of administrative tradition and organisational characteristics: the case of agency personnel management autonomy
- The weight of service delivery: administrative and rules burdens in street-level bureaucracy
- University stakeholders’ perceptions of the impact and benefits of, and barriers to, human resource information systems in Spanish universities
- What drives social responsibility commitment? An empirical analysis of public enterprises in South Korea
- Why people enter and stay in public service careers: the role of parental socialization and an interest in politics