No. 61-1, January 2024
- Abducted by hackers: Using the case of Bletchley Park to construct a theory of intelligence performance that generalizes to cybersecurity
- Abducted by hackers: Using the case of Bletchley Park to construct a theory of intelligence performance that generalizes to cybersecurity
- Allies and diffusion of state military cybercapacity
- Allies and diffusion of state military cybercapacity
- Cyber and contentious politics: Evidence from the US radical environmental movement
- Cyber and contentious politics: Evidence from the US radical environmental movement
- Cyber-enabled influence operations as a ‘center of gravity’ in cyberconflict: The example of Russian foreign interference in the 2016 US federal election
- Cyber-enabled influence operations as a ‘center of gravity’ in cyberconflict: The example of Russian foreign interference in the 2016 US federal election
- Cyberattacks and public opinion – The effect of uncertainty in guiding preferences
- Cyberattacks and public opinion – The effect of uncertainty in guiding preferences
- How cyber operations can reduce escalation pressures: Evidence from an experimental wargame study
- How cyber operations can reduce escalation pressures: Evidence from an experimental wargame study
- How the process of discovering cyberattacks biases our understanding of cybersecurity
- How the process of discovering cyberattacks biases our understanding of cybersecurity
- If it bleeps it leads? Media coverage on cyber conflict and misperception
- If it bleeps it leads? Media coverage on cyber conflict and misperception
- Introduction: Cyber-conflict – Moving from speculation to investigation
- Introduction: Cyber-conflict – Moving from speculation to investigation
- Until consensus: Introducing the International Cyber Expression dataset
- Until consensus: Introducing the International Cyber Expression dataset
- Who spies on whom? Unravelling the puzzle of state-sponsored cyber economic espionage
- Who spies on whom? Unravelling the puzzle of state-sponsored cyber economic espionage