No. 27-4, August 2020
- Anchoring the energy transition with legal certainty in EU law
- Case C-507/18 NH v Associazione Avvocatura per i diritti LGBTI – Rete Lenford: Homophobic speech and EU anti-discrimination law
- Case C-616/17 Blaise and Others: The precautionary principle and its role in judicial review – Glyphosate and the regulatory framework for pesticides
- Case C-802/18 Caisse pour l'avenir des enfants v FV, GW: Equal treatment of workers or of children?: Note on Case C-802/18 Caisse pour l’avenir des enfants, 2 April 2020 and pending cases against Austria
- Collective rights of platform workers: The role of EU law
- Conceptualizing Lex Mercatoria: Malynes, Schmitthoff and Goldman compared
- Duty to renegotiate in international commercial law and uncontemplated behavioural effects
- Reconciling new technologies with existing EU law – Online platforms as information society service providers
- The Agreement on the Withdrawal of the UK from the EU and Euratom and its impact on the future application of state aid rules in the UK
- The CJEU’s case law on the role of posting certificates: A missed opportunity to combat social dumping