No. 72-2, May 2024
- Artificial Intelligence and the Political Legitimacy of Global Governance
- Artificial Intelligence and the Political Legitimacy of Global Governance
- Compelled Turnout and Democratic Turnout: Why They Are Different
- Compelled Turnout and Democratic Turnout: Why They Are Different
- Do Parties Matter for Environmental Policy Stringency? Exploring the Program-to-Policy Link for Environmental Issues in 28 Countries 1990–2015
- Do Parties Matter for Environmental Policy Stringency? Exploring the Program-to-Policy Link for Environmental Issues in 28 Countries 1990–2015
- Experience Matters, After All: What Social Psychology Can Teach Us about Transnational Contact and Trust
- Experience Matters, After All: What Social Psychology Can Teach Us about Transnational Contact and Trust
- Gendering Constitutional Change in Northern Ireland: Participation, Processes and Power
- Gendering Constitutional Change in Northern Ireland: Participation, Processes and Power
- Group Appeals of Parties in Times of Economic and Identity Conflicts and Realignment
- Group Appeals of Parties in Times of Economic and Identity Conflicts and Realignment
- Meddling in the 2016 Elections and Satisfaction With Democracy in the US
- Meddling in the 2016 Elections and Satisfaction With Democracy in the US
- Mobilization, Repression and Policy Concessions in Authoritarian Regimes: The Cases of Egypt and Jordan
- Mobilization, Repression and Policy Concessions in Authoritarian Regimes: The Cases of Egypt and Jordan
- Narrative Counterspeech
- Narrative Counterspeech
- National Attachments and Good Citizenship: A Double-Edged Sword
- National Attachments and Good Citizenship: A Double-Edged Sword
- Political Communication as a Tragedy of the Commons
- Political Communication as a Tragedy of the Commons
- Reflective Inclusion: Learning from Activists What Taking a Deliberative Stance Means
- Reflective Inclusion: Learning from Activists What Taking a Deliberative Stance Means
- Scaling Up? Unpacking the Effect of Deliberative Mini-Publics on Legitimacy Perceptions
- Scaling Up? Unpacking the Effect of Deliberative Mini-Publics on Legitimacy Perceptions
- Solving the (False) Dilemma: An Ecological Approach to the Study of Opinion Constraint
- Solving the (False) Dilemma: An Ecological Approach to the Study of Opinion Constraint
- The Justice Argument Against Catholic Integralism
- The Justice Argument Against Catholic Integralism
- The Voice of the Absent? The Link Between Descriptive and Substantive Representation of the Working Class in Western Europe
- The Voice of the Absent? The Link Between Descriptive and Substantive Representation of the Working Class in Western Europe
- Understanding the Conflict of Conflicts: Is Left-Right Conflict a Necessary Condition for the Development of New Politics?
- Understanding the Conflict of Conflicts: Is Left-Right Conflict a Necessary Condition for the Development of New Politics?
- Unfunded Mandates and the Economic Impact of Decentralisation. When Finance Does Not Follow Function
- Unfunded Mandates and the Economic Impact of Decentralisation. When Finance Does Not Follow Function
- What Is French Liberalism?
- What Is French Liberalism?
- Young Citizens’ Party Support: The “When” and “Who” of Political Influence within Families
- Young Citizens’ Party Support: The “When” and “Who” of Political Influence within Families