No. 14-1, February 2016
- Book Review: A Guide to Ethics and Public Policy: Finding Our Way
- Book Review: A Theory of Justice for Animals: Animal Rights in a Nonideal World
- Book Review: Africa Emerges
- Book Review: After the Crisis
- Book Review: Agenda Setting, Policies and Political Systems: A Comparative Approach and Policy Agendas in British Politics
- Book Review: At Power’s Elbow: Aides to the Prime Minister from Robert Walpole to David Cameron
- Book Review: Basic Income: An Anthology of Contemporary Research
- Book Review: Beyond Capitalism: Building Democratic Alternatives for Today and the Future
- Book Review: British Muslim Politics: Examining Pakistani Biraderi Networks
- Book Review: Burmese Lives: Ordinary Life Stories Under the Burmese Regime
- Book Review: Business Politics in the Middle East
- Book Review: Capitalism and its Alternatives
- Book Review: Chains of Justice: The Global Rise of State Institutions for Human Rights
- Book Review: Challenges for Europe in the World, 2030
- Book Review: Changing Rules of Delegation: A Contest for Power in Comitology
- Book Review: China-Africa Relations in an Era of Great Transformations
- Book Review: Chinese Politics and International Relations: Innovation and Invention
- Book Review: Cities and Stability: Urbanisation, Redistribution and Regime Survival in China
- Book Review: Class in Contemporary China
- Book Review: Clientelism, Social Policy and the Quality of Democracy
- Book Review: Complexity, Fragmentation and Uncertainty. Government Capacity in an Evolving State
- Book Review: Confronting Secularism in Europe and India: Legitimacy and Disenchantment in Contemporary Times
- Book Review: Contentious Integration: Post-Cold War Japan-China Relations in the Asia-Pacific
- Book Review: Corporate Political Behavior: Why Corporations Do What They Do in Politics
- Book Review: Crossing the Floor: Reg Prentice and the Crisis of British Social Democracy
- Book Review: Democratization and Authoritarianism in the Arab World
- Book Review: Deserving Citizenship: Citizenship Tests in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
- Book Review: Diplomatic Sites: A Critical Enquiry
- Book Review: Do All Persons Have Equal Moral Worth: On ‘Basic Equality’ and Equal Respect and Concern
- Book Review: Energy, Governance and Security in Thailand and Myanmar (Burma)
- Book Review: Equal Recognition: The Moral Foundations of Minority Rights
- Book Review: EU Cohesion Policy and European Integration: The Dynamics of EU Budget and Regional Policy Reform
- Book Review: Foreign Fighters: Transnational Identity in Civic Conflicts
- Book Review: Forging a Discipline: A Critical Assessment of Oxford’s Development of the Study of Politics and International Relations in Comparative Perspective
- Book Review: From Arab Spring to Islamic Winter
- Book Review: Global Environmental Law at a Crossroads
- Book Review: Governance without a State? Policies and Politics in Areas of Limited Statehood
- Book Review: Governing Civil Service Pay in China
- Book Review: Governing the World? Addressing ‘Problems without Passports’
- Book Review: Gun Violence and Public Life
- Book Review: Handbook of Governance and Security
- Book Review: Handbook of the International Political Economy of Production
- Book Review: Heroin, Organized Crime and the Making of Modern Turkey by Ryan Gingeras
- Book Review: Histories of Victimhood
- Book Review: How Groups Matter: Challenges of Toleration in Pluralistic Societies
- Book Review: How India Became Territorial: Foreign Policy, Diaspora, Geopolitics
- Book Review: How Organizations Develop Activists: Civil Associations and Leadership in the 21st Century
- Book Review: How to Be a Minister: A 21st-Century Guide
- Book Review: Humanity Enhanced: Genetic Choice and the Challenge for Liberal Democracies
- Book Review: Indian Foreign Policy
- Book Review: Inside South Africa’s Foreign Policy: Diplomacy in Africa from Smuts to Mbeki
- Book Review: Inside the Brotherhood
- Book Review: Institutional Crisis in 21st-Century Britain
- Book Review: International Law as the Law of Collectives
- Book Review: International Organizations and Internal Conditionality: Making Norms Matter
- Book Review: Interpretive Approaches to Global Climate Governance
- Book Review: John F. Kennedy
- Book Review: Justice Between the Young and the Old
- Book Review: Kant’s Politics in Context
- Book Review: Law in Transition: Human Rights, Development and Transitional Justice
- Book Review: Learning About Politics in Time and Space
- Book Review: Lessons from the Northern Ireland Peace Process
- Book Review: Liberalism: The Life of an Idea
- Book Review: Liberty and Education: A Civic Republican Approach
- Book Review: Machiavelli on International Relations
- Book Review: Max Weber’s Theory of the Modern State: Origins, Structure and Significance
- Book Review: Men at War: What Fiction Tells Us about Conflict, from The Iliad to Catch-22
- Book Review: Mobilizing Democracy: Globalization and Citizen Protest
- Book Review: Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin
- Book Review: Nationality, Citizenship and Ethno-Cultural Belonging: Preferential Membership Policies in Europe
- Book Review: North Korea: State of Paranoia
- Book Review: Out of Bounds: Academic Freedom and the Question of Palestine
- Book Review: Peace Operations (2nd Edition)
- Book Review: Peaceland: Conflict Resolution and the Everyday Politics of International Intervention
- Book Review: Political Islam and the Secular State in Turkey: Democracy, Reform and the Justice and Development Party (foreword by James P. Piscatori)
- Book Review: Political Neutrality: A Re-evaluation
- Book Review: Political Parties and the Concept of Power: A Theoretical Framework
- Book Review: Politics of Difference: Epistemologies of Peace
- Book Review: Powerful Patriots: Nationalist Protest in China’s Foreign Relations
- Book Review: Privatizing War: Private Military and Security Companies under Public International Law
- Book Review: Race and Racism in International Relations: Confronting the Global Colour Line
- Book Review: Racial Cleansing in Arkansas, 1883–1924: Politics, Land, Labor, and Criminality
- Book Review: Regionalism and Regional Security in South Asia: The Role of SAARC
- Book Review: Representation: The Case of Women
- Book Review: Restorative Justice, Reconciliation and Peacebuilding
- Book Review: Rhetoric in British Politics and Society
- Book Review: Rights and Courts in Pursuit of Social Change: Legal Mobilisation in the Multi-Level European System
- Book Review: Scotland’s Choices: The Referendum and What Happens Afterwards
- Book Review: Semantics of Statebuilding: Language, Meanings and Sovereignty
- Book Review: Small States and International Security: Europe and Beyond
- Book Review: SMERSH: Stalin’s Secret Weapon
- Book Review: Spreading Protest: Social Movements in Times of Crisis
- Book Review: Sri Lanka in the Modern Age: A History
- Book Review: States, Debt and Power: ‘Saints’ and ‘Sinners’ in European History and Integration
- Book Review: Strategy and Defence Planning: Meeting the Challenge of Uncertainty
- Book Review: Strategy in Asia: The Past, Present and Future of Regional Security
- Book Review: The Commons in History: Culture, Conflict and Ecology
- Book Review: The End of American World Order
- Book Review: The European Commission of the Twenty-First Century
- Book Review: The European Council and the Council: New Intergovernmentalism and Institutional Change