No. 19-3, August 2021
- Book Review: Ben Wellings and Andrew Mycock, The Anglosphere: Continuity, Dissonance and Location
- Book Review: Benjamin Bricker, Visions of Judicial Review: A Comparative Examination of Courts and Policy in Democracies
- Book Review: Ceren Lord, Religious Politics in Turkey: From the Birth of the Republic to the AKP
- Book Review: John Komlos, Foundations of Real-World Economics: What Every Economics Student Needs to Know
- Book Review: Mario Telò and Yuan Feng (eds), China and the EU in the Era of Regional and Interregional Cooperation
- Book Review: Matthew Longo The Politics of Borders: Sovereignty, Security, and the Citizen after 9/11
- Book Review: Mubashar Hasan, Islam and Politics in Bangladesh: The Followers of Ummah
- Commissioned Book Review: Benjamin Biard, Laurent Bernhard and Hans-Georg Betz (eds), Do They Make a Difference? The Policy Influence of Radical Right Populist Parties in Western Europe
- Commissioned Book Review: Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Maria Paula Meneses, Knowledges Born in the Struggle: Constructing the Epistemologies of the Global South
- Commissioned Book Review: Ioannis Armakolas and James Ker-Lindsay (eds), The Politics of Recognition and Engagement: EU Member State Relations with Kosovo
- Commissioned Book Review: Jenny Pearce, Politics Without Violence? Towards a Post-Weberian Enlightenment
- Commissioned Book Review: Jonathan Fox, Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods before Me: Why Governments Discriminate Against Religious Minorities
- Commissioned Book Review: Katrina Forrester, In the Shadow of Justice: Postwar Liberalism and the Remaking of Political Philosophy
- Commissioned Book Review: Mujibur Rehman (ed.), The Rise of Saffron Power
- Critical Dogmatism: Academic Freedom Confronts Moral and Epistemological Certainty
- Crowdsourcing Campaigns: A New Dataset for Studying British Parties’ Electoral Communications
- Does Electoral Reform Change MPs’ Behavior? Evidence from Romania
- Does Issue Alignment Matter? The Electoral Cost and Reward of Agricultural Representation in Urban and Rural Areas
- Foreign Policy Change: From Policy Adjustments to Fundamental Reorientations
- Going Local: Parliamentary Questions as a Means of Territorial Representation in the Italian Parliament
- Houston, We Have a Problem: Enhancing Academic Freedom and Transparency in Publishing Through Post-Publication Debate
- No, Face Masks Aren’t Dehumanizing
- Normativity in Realist Legitimacy
- Occupational Engagement and Partisanship in the United States
- Parliamentary Communication Allowances: Good for Nothing?
- Personalised Representation in a Weak and Party-Controlled Legislature: Policy Responsiveness in the French Parliament
- Rethinking Identity in Political Science
- Support for Liberal Democracy and Populist Attitudes: A Pilot Survey for Young Educated Citizens
- The Electoral Connection Revisited: Introduction to the Special Issue
- ‘It’s a Long Way from Kuusamo to Kuhmo’: Mapping Candidates’ Electoral Constituencies in the Finnish Open-List Single Preference Voting System