No. 23-1, January 2021
- Ben Crewe, Susie Hulley and Serena Wright, Life Imprisonment from Young Adulthood: Adaptation, Identity and Time
- Broke people, broken rules: Explaining welfare fraud investigators’ attributions
- Comparing electronic monitoring regimes: Length, breadth, depth and weight equals tightness
- Dirk van Zyl Smit and Catherine Appleton, Life Imprisonment: A Global Human Rights Analysis
- Jennifer Cobbina, Hands Up, Don’t Shoot: Why the Protests in Ferguson and Baltimore Matter and How they Changed America
- Penal welfarism ‘gone global’? Comparing international criminal justice to The Culture of Control
- Theorizing financial extraction: The curious case of telephone profits in the Los Angeles county jails
- Vanessa Barker, Nordic Nationalism and Penal Order: Walling the Welfare State
- Williams M, The sex offender housing dilemma: Community activism, safety, and social justice
- ‘Tightness’, recognition and penal power
- “And you will wait …”: Carceral transportation in electronic monitoring as part of the punishment process