No. , February 2022
- Is the Energy Transition at Risk?
- International Arbitration and Energy Disputes1
- Revisiting the Energy Trilemma in the European Union
- An Energy Justice Approach to Resolving the Conflict between the Development of Energy Access Projects and Human Rights Risks and Violations in Africa: Can a Balance be Struck?
- The Concept of lex petrolea from a Dispute Resolution Perspective: When Further Development is not Possible
- The Issue of Local Content in Offshore Renewables: Aspirational, Legally-Binding or Missing the Mark? A Comparative Analysis of the UK and Poland
- Ceri Warnock, Environmental Courts and Tribunals: Power, Integrity and the Search for Legitimacy
- Leonardo Meeus, The Evolution of Electricity Markets in Europe
- Éloi Laurent, The New Environmental Economics: Sustainability and Justice
- Peter D Cameron, International Energy Investment Law: The Pursuit of Stability