No. , September 2019
- The Principle of Good Faith in Contractual Performance: A Scottish-Canadian Comparison
- Protecting Privacy in Divorce Actions: Article 8 and the Need for Law Reform
- The Anglo-Scots Monetary Union of 1707
- Half-way House Fiduciary Duties: Medsted Associates Ltd v Canaccord Genuity Wealth (International) Ltd
- Court of Appeal's Look North for a Solution Goes South: Liquidated Damages and Termination in Triple Point Technology v PTT
- Whose Loss is it Anyway? Transferred Loss in the Court of Appeal
- Donegan v HM Advocate: A Step in the Right Direction for Female Complainers in Sexual Offences?
- Receding Confidence in Trust and Confidence?
- Children as Human Rights Defenders: A Participatory Approach
- The Future of Wales in Europe
- Local Government and Devolution: Mutual Respect and Parity of Esteem?
- Improper, Imprudent and Important: Reflecting on Breach of the Peace after McConachie v Shanks
- Placing the Community at the Heart of Island Governance: The Islands (Scotland) Act 2018
- A Serious Indictment, Minister?
- Nicholas J McBride, The Humanity of Private Law – Part I: The Explanation
- Julian Bailey (ed), Construction Law, Costs and Contemporary Developments: Drawing the Threads Together; A Festschrift for Lord Justice Jackson
- Bart Wauters and Marco de Benito, The History of Law in Europe: An Introduction and Heikki Pihlajamäki, Markus D Dubber, and Mark Godfrey (eds), The Oxford Handbook of European Legal History
- George L Gretton and Kenneth G C Reid, Conveyancing
- Erika Rackley and Rosemary Auchmuty (eds), Women's Legal Landmarks: Celebrating the History of Women and Law in the UK and Ireland
- Kaius Tuori, The Emperor of Law: The Emergence of Roman Imperial Adjudication
- Richard R Cornah, Richard C G Sarll and Joseph B Shead (eds), Lowndes & Rudolf: General Average and York-Antwerp Rules
- Jonathan Gilman, Mark Templeman, Claire Blanchard, Philippa Hopkins and Neil Hart (eds), Arnould's Law of Marine Insurance and Average
- Vassilis Pergantis, The Paradigm of State Consent in the Law of Treaties: Challenges and Perspectives
- Rainer Forst, Normativity and Power: Analyzing Social Orders of Justification