No. 100-2, June 2022
- Burdens, Sludge, Ordeals, Red tape, Oh My!: A User's Guide to the Study of Frictions
- Corporatization and political ideology: The case of hospitals in Spain
- Corporatization in local government: Promoting cultural differentiation and hybridity?
- Corporatization of public services
- Dealing with multiple principals in at arm's length organizations: A qualitative study of Dutch municipally owned corporations
- Enforcement officials' coping strategies in a changing regulatory environment
- From “business‐like” to businesses: Agencification, corporatization, and civil service reform under the Thatcher administration
- Government statistical agencies and the politics of credibility
- Issue Information
- Management accounting in public service decision making. Malcolm J. Prowle. Routledge, 2021, 262 pp., ISBN: 978‐1‐138‐36616‐9 (hbk), 978‐1‐138‐36617‐6 (pbk), 978‐0‐429‐43046‐6 (ebk)
- Managing technical reputation: Regulatory agencies and evidential work in risk assessment
- On the character of the new entrepreneurial National Health Service in England: Reforming health care from within?
- Personnel governance of corporatized public services: Effects of executive resources and corporation forms on turnover
- Policy preferences in response to negative economic prospects of COVID‐19: A survey‐experiment among local politicians in four European countries
- Public Service Motivation and Public Opinion: Examining Antecedents and Attitudes (Elements in Public and Nonprofit Administration), Piatak, Jaclyn and Holt, Stephen, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, 84 pp., $20.00 (pb), ISBN: 9781108964005
- Talk or type? The effect of digital interfaces on citizens' satisfaction with standardized public services
- The corporatization of healthcare organizations internationally: A scoping review of processes, impacts, and mediators
- The costs of corporatization: Analysing the effects of forms of governance
- Why create government corporations? An examination of the determinants of corporatization in the Canadian public sector