No. 101-2, June 2023
- An (in)effective tax and expenditure limit (TEL): Why county governments do not utilize their maximum allotted property tax rate
- An exploration of citizens' professionalism in coproducing social care services
- By David Coen, Alexander Katsaitis, Matia Vannoni. New York: Oxford University Press. 2021. Business lobbying in the European Union. pp. 240. ISBN: 9780199589753
- By Paul Van Seters (Ed.). Anthem Press. 2021. The anthem companion to Philip Selznick. pp. 234. ISBN: 978‐1‐78527‐825‐9
- Collaborating with the competition? A study of interlocal partnership choices
- Comparing public servants' behavior in South Korea and the United States: How emotional labor moderates the relationship between organizational commitment and job performance
- Corruption in social relations: Bribe‐taking, corruptibility, and corruption risks
- Distributed leadership and performance‐related employee outcomes in public sector organizations
- Emotional labor and employee outcomes: A meta‐analysis
- Evaluating collaborative institutions by segregation and homophily in policy networks
- Financial reporting transparency, citizens' understanding, and public participation: A survey experiment study
- Gender‐responsive budgeting: A budget reform to address gender inequity
- How does ethnic diversity shape the design of intergovernmental fiscal relations? Evidence from China
- How local governments prioritize multiple conflicting goals: Beyond the sole‐goal perspective
- Issue Information
- John Stewart: A personal appreciation
- Policy advocacy of nongovernmental organizations in China: A quasi‐replication of Zhan and Tang (2013, 2016)
- Public sector creativity as the origin of public sector innovation: A taxonomy and future research agenda
- Public value creation and appropriation mechanisms in public–private partnerships: How does it play a role?
- Searching for “the usual suspects”: The role of discretion and target group constructions in the frontline of policy implementation
- Service quality and the optimum number of members in intermunicipal cooperation: The case of emergency primary care services in Norway
- The gradual corporatization of transport infrastructure: The Danish case
- “Success” in policy piloting: Process, programs, and politics