No. 101-4, December 2023
- A behavioral view on responsibility attribution in multi‐level governance: Upward and downward responsibility attribution in response to performance below aspirations
- Administrative characteristics and timing of governments' crisis responses: A global study of early reactions to COVID‐19
- Between a rock and a hard place: Balancing the duties of political responsiveness and legality in the civil service
- COVID‐19‐induced governance transformation: How external shocks may spur cross‐organizational collaboration and trust‐based management
- Cream‐skimming at the frontline: The role of administrative literacy
- Fifty years as the fourth pillar of public administration: A polycentric extension of the social equity framework
- Finding a mission in bureaucracies: How authentic leadership and red tape interact
- Hambleton, Robin. Cities and communities beyond Covid‐19. Great Britain: Bristol University Press. 2020. pp. 177. ISBN: 9781529215854
- How does diversity affect public organizational performance? A meta‐analysis
- Institutions, interests, and policy support: Experimental evidence from China
- Issue Information
- Keep going on: A qualitative comparative analysis on the durability of solidarity initiatives during and after crisis
- Meet all changes with constancy: The dynamic adaptation process of county governments in China
- Municipal fiscal stress, bankruptcies, and other financial emergencies. By Tatyana Guzman, Natalia Ermasova, New York: Routledge. 2022. pp. 310. ISBN: 9781032349381
- Strategies for dealing with policy ambiguities
- The effect of human versus automated interaction on willingness to participate in government programs: The role of representation
- The effect of institutional support and relational capital on knowledge mobilization in public administration research
- Toward a micro‐level perspective of organizational publicness: Felt organizational publicness in the eyes of state government employees
- Trust, but verify? Understanding citizen attitudes toward evidence‐informed policy making
- Understanding the organizational learning culture—Innovative behavior relation in local government: The roles of knowledge sharing and job autonomy
- Unpacking value destruction at the intersection between public and private value
- When do societal stakeholders matter for agency‐CEOs? The role of stakeholder arrangements and social media attention
- Winds of change: How street‐level bureaucrats actively represent minority clients by influencing majority clients—The context of LGB Israeli teachers