No. 98-1, March 2020
- A study of the operationalization of management controls in United Kingdom Private Finance Initiative contracts
- American bonds: How credit markets shaped a nation Sarah L. Quinn Princeton University Press, 2019, 312 pp., £30.00 (hb), ISBN: 9780691156750
- Can budget ambiguity crowd out intrinsic motivation? Longitudinal evidence from federal executive departments
- Can the power of platforms be harnessed for governance?
- Does organizational performance affect employee turnover? A re‐examination of the turnover–performance relationship
- Does transformational leadership stimulate user orientation? Evidence from a field experiment
- How do professionals perceive the governance of public–private partnerships? Evidence from Canada, the Netherlands and Denmark
- Institutional isomorphism, negativity bias and performance information use by politicians: A survey experiment
- Intensity of innovation in public sector organizations: The role of push and pull factors
- Issue Information
- Money matters: The role of public sector wages in corruption prevention
- Performance regulation in a networked healthcare system: From cosmetic to institutionalized compliance
- Playing a zero‐sum game? The pursuit of independence and relevance in performance auditing
- Strategic change, leadership and accounting: A triptych of organizational reform
- The effect of fiscal transparency on corruption: A panel cross‐country analysis
- The relevance and reliability of performance information for accountability: A survey experiment exploring citizens' views
- The role(s) of accounting and performance measurement systems in contemporary public administration
- What is performance measurement for? Multiple uses of performance information within organizations