No. 98-2, June 2020
- A representative bureaucracy perspective on workforce composition in international organizations: The case of the United Nations Secretariat
- Accountability and hybridity in welfare governance
- All roads lead to power: The appointed and elected paths to public office for US women Kaitlin N. Sidorsky University Press of Kansas, 2019, 248 pp., £36.95 (hb), ISBN: 978–0–7006‐2786‐8
- Breaking the glass ceiling, but facing a glass cliff? The role of organizational decline in women's representation in leadership positions in Dutch civil service organizations
- Bureaucratic decision‐making: A multi‐method study of gender similarity bias and gender stereotype beliefs
- Discretion drift in primary care commissioning in England: Towards a conceptualization of hybrid accountability obligations
- Dismantling, disintegration or continuing stealthy integration in European Union environmental policy?
- EU agencies' involvement in transboundary crisis response: Supporting efforts or leading coordination?
- Expanding the theoretical boundaries of active representation: Clients' deservedness of service in the 911 emergency system
- Focusing on quality care rather than ‘checking boxes’: How to exit the labyrinth of multiple accountabilities in hybrid healthcare arrangements
- Hybrid accountabilities and managerial agency in the third sector
- Hypocrisy as a crisis response? Assessing changes in talk, decisions, and actions of the European Commission in EU environmental policy
- Issue Information
- Network tasks and accountability: A configurational analysis of EU regulatory networks
- Policy dismantling at EU level: Reaching the limits of ‘an ever‐closer ecological union’?
- Representative bureaucracy, international organizations and public service bargains
- The impact of Juncker's reorganization of the European Commission on the internal policy‐making process: Evidence from the Energy Union project
- Turf wars in government administration: Interdepartmental cooperation in the European Commission