No. 98-3, September 2020
- Burdens of transparency: An analysis of public sector internal auditing
- Efficiency and legitimacy in collaborative public management: Mapping inter‐local agreements in England using social network analysis
- Explaining collaboration in consensual and conflictual governance networks
- Governance, federalism and organizing institutions to manage complex problems
- How social capital shapes citizen willingness to co‐invest in public service: The case of flood control
- Issue Information
- Keeping a watchful eye in times of turmoil? How repeated structural reform leads to more attention to political signals
- Left on the shelf: Explaining the failure of public inquiry recommendations
- Managerial capacity in conflict environments: Management effects of private military and security companies in Iraq
- Network relationships and standard adoption: Diffusion effects in transnational regulatory networks
- Parliamentary scrutiny of executive patronage: The relationship between institutional norms, reputation and accountability
- Policy design or organizational design: On the relevance of the study of public policy and administration
- Stability not change: Improving frontline employee motivation through organizational reform is harder than it looks
- Tension in democratic administration: Does managerial confidence in administrative capacity reduce citizen participation in organizational decision‐making?
- The emotive effect of government branding on citizens' trust and its boundaries: Does the personal relevance of the policy issue matter?
- The origins and effects of public servant confidence in whistleblowing protection regimes
- When does science persuade (or not persuade) in high‐conflict policy contexts?