No. 98-4, December 2020
- Bubbling up or cascading down? Public servants, political advisers and politicization
- Contracting personalization by results: Comparing marketization reforms in the UK and Australia
- Data sharing in small and medium US cities: The role of community characteristics
- Developing a short scale to assess public leadership
- Gaming the system: Responses to dissatisfaction with public services beyond exit and voice
- How does council–manager conflict affect managerial turnover intention? The role of job embeddedness and cooperative context
- Improving public services by mining citizen feedback: An application of natural language processing
- Issue Information
- Marketization reforms and co‐production: Does ownership of service delivery structures and customer language matter?
- Policy design and public support for carbon tax: Evidence from a 2018 US national online survey experiment
- Politicized policy access: The effect of politicization on interest group access to advisory councils
- Public servant stereotypes: It is not (at) all about being lazy, greedy and corrupt
- Reputation management by Chinese universities: Primary profile and comparative features
- Strategic communication by regulatory agencies as a form of reputation management: A strategic agenda
- Talking the talk, but not walking the walk: A comparison of self‐reported and observed prosocial behaviour
- The architecture of organizations as missed opportunity in political research