No. 99-1, March 2021
- A new era for Public Administration
- Challenging the necessity of New Public Governance: Co‐production by third sector organizations under different models of public management
- Corrigendum
- Duopoly, court politics and the Danish core executive
- Issue Information
- Managing organizations to sustain passion for public service, James L. Perry, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, 325 pp., $34.99 (pb), ISBN: 9781108824132
- Managing policy‐making in the local climate governance landscape: The role of network administrative organizations and member cities
- Managing resource transposition in the face of extreme events: Fieldwork at two public networks in Germany and the US
- Multilevel reinforcing dynamics: Global climate governance and European renewable energy policy
- Need, justice and central–local relations: The case of social assistance in China
- Policy instruments at work: A meta‐analysis of their applications
- Question order bias revisited: A split‐ballot experiment on satisfaction with public services among experienced and professional users
- Representative bureaucracy and impartial policing
- The core executive and small states: Is coordination the primary challenge?
- The dynamics of de‐delegation: A principal–agent explanation of the reversal of private authority in international sport governance
- The webs of belief around ‘evidence’ in legislatures: The case of select committees in the UK House of Commons
- Varieties of state regulation: How China regulates its socialist market economyYukyung Yeo Harvard University Press, 2020, 220 pp., £39.95 (hb), ISBN: 9780674247857.