No. 99-2, June 2021
- A hidden champion? The European Court of Justice as an agenda‐setter in the case of posted workers
- Accountability and organizational performance in the public sector: Analysis of higher education institutions in Korea
- Implementing city sustainability: overcoming administrative silos to achieve functional collective action, Rachel M. Krause and Christopher V. Hawkins, Temple University Press, 2021, 269 pages
- Improving the performance of public organizations: Financial resources and the conditioning effect of clientele context
- Institutional design for a complex commons: Variations in the design of credible commitments and the provision of public goods
- Institutional Grammar 2.0: A specification for encoding and analyzing institutional design
- Intersectionality and equity: Dynamic bureaucratic representation in higher education
- Issue Information
- Linking political and bureaucratic representation: Does minority representation on city councils affect the outcomes of street‐level service?
- Machine coding of policy texts with the Institutional Grammar
- New opportunities for institutional analysis in public administration research
- Remapping the European agenda‐setting landscape
- The European Parliament's role as an informal EU agenda setter: The influence of own initiative reports
- To strengthen or to shatter? On the effects of stratification on professions as systems