No. 99-4, December 2021
- Advantages of feeling appreciated: An examination of how receipt of gratitude influences the linkages between PSM and behaviour
- At the pleasure of the crown: The politics of bureaucratic appointments, by Christopher Cooper. University of British Colombia Press, Vancouver. 2020. 133 pp. $32.95 (paperback)
- Beyond co‐production: Value creation and public services
- Collaborative gaming: When principals and agents agree to game the system
- Critical Perspectives on Public Systems Management in India Through the Lens of District Administration, Amar K. J. R. Nayak and Ram Kumar Kakani Routledge: New York/London, 2021, 325 pp. (including index), $165 (hardback), ISBN 9780367540234
- Exploring rule‐following identity at the frontline: The roles of general self‐efficacy, gender, and attitude toward clients
- Governance reform, decentralization, and teamwork in public service delivery: Evidence from the Honduran health sector
- How bureaucrats shape political decisions: The role of policy information
- Institutionalization or interaction: Which organizational factors help community‐based initiatives acquire government support?
- Issue Information
- Merit recruitment, tenure protections and public service motivation: Evidence from a conjoint experiment with 7,300 public servants in Latin America, Africa and Eastern Europe
- Only hearing what they want to hear: Assessing when and why performance information triggers intentions to coproduce
- Sustaining statehood: A comparative analysis of vertical policy‐process integration in Denmark and Italy
- The impact of bounded subadditivity on administrative behaviour among public and private workers
- The politics of FinTech: Technology, regulation, and disruption in UK and German retail banking
- ‘There's something about sustainability’: The discursive dynamics of policy reform