No. 13-4, September 2022
- Are the Indicators of the New Urban Agenda Failing Us?
- Crisis and state investment funds with expiration dates: Risks and opportunities in a decarbonization context
- Digital Nativity and Digital Diplomacy: Exploring Conceptual Differences Between Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants
- ECA’s roles to foster green and energy transition in emerging and developing countries
- Emerging Powers, Leadership, and South–South Solidarity: The Battle Over Special and Differential Treatment at the WTO
- Export credit agencies delivering finance for the green transition in times of crisis
- Global Governance in an Era of Pluralism
- Global shocks and international policy coordination
- Globalization and Economic Growth: A Sustainability Analysis for South Asian Countries
- Governing and Measuring Health Security: The Global Push for Pandemic Preparedness Indicators
- Incorporating sustainability as a cross‐cutting vector in the design of public policies
- International Organizations' Policy Response to COVID‐19 in Longer Terms
- Introduction to the practitioners' special section: Financing the green transition in times of crisis
- Issue Information
- Joint Initiative on Services Domestic Regulation in the WTO: The Case of Russia
- Leading an ECA through climate transformation: A President's perspective
- Leveraging aid for trade to mobilize climate finance in the least developed countries
- Managing the green transition: The role of the OECD export credit arrangement
- Mister Chips goes to Brussels: On the Pros and Cons of a Semiconductor Policy in the EU
- Presidential diplomacy meets science diplomacy
- Refugee Policy Amidst Global Shocks: Encampment, Resettlement Barriers and the Search for ‘Durable Solutions’
- Revisiting the World Order Models Project: A Case for Renewal?
- Russia, Central Asia and Non‐traditional Security Threats from Afghanistan following the US Withdrawal
- The Intricacies of Firms’ Support for Labor Provisions in US Trade Agreements
- The role of the global financial system in financing the transition to net zero
- Transiting to green growth in fossil export‐dependent economies: A pathway for Africa
- What Determines the Heterogeneous Performance of Special Economic Zones? Evidence from Sub‐Sahara Africa