No. 5-2, December 2016
- Editorial
- Introduction To U.S. Free Trade Agreements
- Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): The Devil in Disguise or a Golden Opportunity to Build a Transatlantic Marketplace?
- The Trans-Pacific Partnership
- Challenges For Countries In Trade In Services' Negotiations With The Nafta Approach: The Experience Of Chile In The Free Trade Agreement With The United States
- Free Trade Agreements With The United States: 8 Lessons For Prospective Parties From Australia's Experience
- The Brave New (American) World of International Investment Law: Substantive Investment Protection Standards in Mega-Regionals
- Investor-State Dispute Settlement and the Future of the Precautionary Principle
- Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in U.S. FTAs with Korea, Panama, Peru and Colombia: Basic Designs, Key Characteristics and Implications
- Regulatory Coherence and Standardization Mechanisms in the Trans-Pacific Partnership
- The Two Noble Kinsmen: Internal and Legal Transparency in the WTO and Their Connection to Preferential and Regional Trade Agreements