No. 2004, November 2004
- Editorial comment.
- Editorial comment.
- Editorial comment.
- Editorial comment.
- Editorial comment.
- Editorial comment.
- Editorial comment.
- Editorial comment.
- Editorial comment.
- Editorial comment.
- Aid organisations found wanting: charities are under pressure to report more transparently.
- Big expansion in contract work.
- Big Four await liability cap verdict: the DTI is under pressure to limit the burden on audit firms.
- Boris Johnson will be the guest speaker at the CIMA and Financial Management Awards gala dinner after the conference on the evening of 25 November.
- Budgeting insights revealed.
- Charity calls for legislation on CSR: Christian Aid has accused major companies of hypocrisy.
- Choose LIFO in the fast lane.
- CIMA lines up star attractions.
- CIMA member helps aid agency.
- CIMA mixes it with marketers.
- CIPFA proposes end to council tax: but the alternative funding method resembles poll tax.
- City firms fail to give employees training on FSA regulations.
- Companies launch charm offensive to avoid trouble at AGMs.
- Consolidation update.
- Discrimination rampant in finance as female professionals lag far behind on pay.
- Event to focus on performance.
- Firms warned to hurry up on IAS.
- Football clubs shown yellow card: a survey has found flaws in their corporate governance.
- Free guides to best practice.
- Fund guru predicts gloomy 2005: the stock market is likely to go 'sideways rather than up'.
- Government rethinks fraud law.
- Green groups launch offensive against negligent directors.
- How green was my value added?
- IFAC steps up campaign to restore investors' faith.
- Low-cost tax advice scheme.
- National Business Awards unearth secrets of leadership.
- NHS aims to top popularity poll.
- Old heads on young shoulders.
- Price of SOX to run into millions.
- Prized assets go on the record.
- Reality check for realty funds.
- SEM theme for Malaysian event.
- Standards bodies at loggerheads: IAS39 has caused a continental rift at the eleventh hour.
- Survey to shape future of institute: CIMA's member research results have been 'very useful'.
- Tax man gets charitable.
- Warning on Basel II conformance: banks have been cautioned against a tick-box approach.
- Accountants turn SMEs green.
- Arty parties do pension plans: NAPF delegates aired their views on postcards. Ruth Prickett reports the results.
- Awards deadline approaches.
- BVCA issues pensions caution.
- Call for increased NAO role.
- CIMA consults on CPD system: 'members' feedback is critical,' says CEO Charles Tilley.
- CIMA director lands Swiss role.
- CIMA enters merger dialogue; a three-way amalgamation is under consideration.
- CIMA volunteers aid charities to global success.
- CSR benefits lost on UK firms.
- DTI to defer OFR deadline.
- Expert spies a hole in the law: criminals will easily find a way round the regulations.
- FEE backs third-party assessment of CSR reports.
- Financial jobs fit all sizes.
- Firms make do with bad data.
- Firms pressured to come clean: shareholders are mobilising on climate-change issues.
- Firms quizzed on school reform.
- Flexible work lures accountants into public sector.
- Free tax guidebook published.
- IFAC issues laundering update.
- IFRS: reticent companies risk stock devaluation.
- Institute takes the lead on enterprise governance.
- Late law change causes 'mess': the treasury has been criticised for its lack of guidance.
- Merger talks gain momentum: Louisa Roberts reports on the latest steps in the three-way amalgamation bid.
- Outen about to share wisdom.
- Part-time FDs dominate NHS.
- Show ponies need not apply.
- SME accountants reign in Spain.
- SMEs given charitable incentive.
- Software detects 'inside jobs'.
- Softworld puts IAS on the map.
- SOX costs UK car maker 10m [pounds sterling].
- Stop press.
- Student endures ordeal at sea: Camilla Berens describes how a shipwreck scuppered one woman's CIMA studies.
- to rewrite dictionary.
- Treasury comes clean.
- UK companies 'play into the hands' of hackers.
- War on terror costs Met dear: the capital's regular police services are short of money.
- Watchdog puts more final-salary schemes at risk.
- Web offers environmental aid.
- Whitehall FDs to get qualified: Mandarins are under pressure to gain relevant credentials.
- You have to be in it to win it.
- Alternative Investment Market roars back to life with record levels of trading activity.
- ASB seeks views on convergence.
- Audit threshold raised to 5.6m [pounds sterling]: the change is expected to save SMEs 94 million [pounds sterling], while an increased turnover threshold should help more to gain from tax incentives.
- Charity calls on CIMA expertise to fund mine-clearances in Angola.
- CIMA changes rules for MIPs.
- CIMA puts ethics at the heart of its new syllabus.
- CIMA visiting professor lecture.
- Customs clamps down on VAT fraud.
- Employers urged to revise benefits: the jobs market for financial professionals is hotting up.
- Firms count cost of poor expense management.
- FRC names Boyle as CEO.
- FSA plans external risk audits.